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-- https://github.com/Nition/UnityOctree
-- https://github.com/Nition/UnityOctree/blob/master/LICENCE
-- https://github.com/Nition/UnityOctree/blob/master/Scripts/BoundsOctree.cs
-- https://github.com/Nition/UnityOctree/blob/master/Scripts/BoundsOctreeNode.cs
--- Octree
-- @module octree
local modules = (...):gsub('%.[^%.]+$', '') .. "."
local intersect = require(modules .. "intersect")
local mat4 = require(modules .. "mat4")
local utils = require(modules .. "utils")
local vec3 = require(modules .. "vec3")
local Octree = {}
local OctreeNode = {}
local Node
Octree.__index = Octree
OctreeNode.__index = OctreeNode
--== Octree ==--
--- Constructor for the bounds octree.
-- @param initialWorldSize Size of the sides of the initial node, in metres. The octree will never shrink smaller than this
-- @param initialWorldPos Position of the centre of the initial node
-- @param minNodeSize Nodes will stop splitting if the new nodes would be smaller than this (metres)
-- @param looseness Clamped between 1 and 2. Values > 1 let nodes overlap
local function new(initialWorldSize, initialWorldPos, minNodeSize, looseness)
local tree = setmetatable({}, Octree)
if minNodeSize > initialWorldSize then
print("Minimum node size must be at least as big as the initial world size. Was: " .. minNodeSize .. " Adjusted to: " .. initialWorldSize)
minNodeSize = initialWorldSize
-- The total amount of objects currently in the tree
tree.count = 0
-- Size that the octree was on creation
tree.initialSize = initialWorldSize
-- Minimum side length that a node can be - essentially an alternative to having a max depth
tree.minSize = minNodeSize
-- Should be a value between 1 and 2. A multiplier for the base size of a node.
-- 1.0 is a "normal" octree, while values > 1 have overlap
tree.looseness = utils.clamp(looseness, 1, 2)
-- Root node of the octree
tree.rootNode = Node(tree.initialSize, tree.minSize, tree.looseness, initialWorldPos)
return tree
--- Used when growing the octree. Works out where the old root node would fit inside a new, larger root node.
-- @param xDir X direction of growth. 1 or -1
-- @param yDir Y direction of growth. 1 or -1
-- @param zDir Z direction of growth. 1 or -1
-- @return Octant where the root node should be
local function get_root_pos_index(xDir, yDir, zDir)
local result = xDir > 0 and 1 or 0
if yDir < 0 then return result + 4 end
if zDir > 0 then return result + 2 end
--- Add an object.
-- @param obj Object to add
-- @param objBounds 3D bounding box around the object
function Octree:add(obj, objBounds)
-- Add object or expand the octree until it can be added
local count = 0 -- Safety check against infinite/excessive growth
while not self.rootNode:add(obj, objBounds) do
count = count + 1
self:grow(objBounds.center - self.rootNode.center)
if count > 20 then
print("Aborted Add operation as it seemed to be going on forever (" .. count - 1 .. ") attempts at growing the octree.")
self.count = self.count + 1
--- Remove an object. Makes the assumption that the object only exists once in the tree.
-- @param obj Object to remove
-- @return bool True if the object was removed successfully
function Octree:remove(obj)
local removed = self.rootNode:remove(obj)
-- See if we can shrink the octree down now that we've removed the item
if removed then
self.count = self.count - 1
return removed
--- Check if the specified bounds intersect with anything in the tree. See also: get_colliding.
-- @param checkBounds bounds to check
-- @return bool True if there was a collision
function Octree:is_colliding(checkBounds)
return self.rootNode:is_colliding(checkBounds)
--- Returns an array of objects that intersect with the specified bounds, if any. Otherwise returns an empty array. See also: is_colliding.
-- @param checkBounds bounds to check
-- @return table Objects that intersect with the specified bounds
function Octree:get_colliding(checkBounds)
return self.rootNode:get_colliding(checkBounds)
--- Cast a ray through the node and its children
-- @param ray Ray with a position and a direction
-- @param func Function to execute on any objects within child nodes
-- @param out Table to store results of func in
-- @return boolean True if an intersect detected
function Octree:cast_ray(ray, func, out)
return self.rootNode:cast_ray(ray, func, out)
--- Draws node boundaries visually for debugging.
function Octree:draw_bounds(cube)
--- Draws the bounds of all objects in the tree visually for debugging.
function Octree:draw_objects(cube, filter)
self.rootNode:draw_objects(cube, filter)
--- Grow the octree to fit in all objects.
-- @param direction Direction to grow
function Octree:grow(direction)
local xDirection = direction.x >= 0 and 1 or -1
local yDirection = direction.y >= 0 and 1 or -1
local zDirection = direction.z >= 0 and 1 or -1
local oldRoot = self.rootNode
local half = self.rootNode.baseLength / 2
local newLength = self.rootNode.baseLength * 2
local newCenter = self.rootNode.center + vec3(xDirection * half, yDirection * half, zDirection * half)
-- Create a new, bigger octree root node
self.rootNode = Node(newLength, self.minSize, self.looseness, newCenter)
-- Create 7 new octree children to go with the old root as children of the new root
local rootPos = get_root_pos_index(xDirection, yDirection, zDirection)
local children = {}
for i = 0, 7 do
if i == rootPos then
children[i+1] = oldRoot
xDirection = i % 2 == 0 and -1 or 1
yDirection = i > 3 and -1 or 1
zDirection = (i < 2 or (i > 3 and i < 6)) and -1 or 1
children[i+1] = Node(self.rootNode.baseLength, self.minSize, self.looseness, newCenter + vec3(xDirection * half, yDirection * half, zDirection * half))
-- Attach the new children to the new root node
--- Shrink the octree if possible, else leave it the same.
function Octree:shrink()
self.rootNode = self.rootNode:shrink_if_possible(self.initialSize)
--== Octree Node ==--
--- Constructor.
-- @param baseLength Length of this node, not taking looseness into account
-- @param minSize Minimum size of nodes in this octree
-- @param looseness Multiplier for baseLengthVal to get the actual size
-- @param center Centre position of this node
local function new_node(baseLength, minSize, looseness, center)
local node = setmetatable({}, OctreeNode)
-- Objects in this node
node.objects = {}
-- Child nodes
node.children = {}
-- If there are already numObjectsAllowed in a node, we split it into children
-- A generally good number seems to be something around 8-15
node.numObjectsAllowed = 8
node:set_values(baseLength, minSize, looseness, center)
return node
local function new_bound(center, size)
return {
center = center,
size = size,
min = center - (size / 2),
max = center + (size / 2)
--- Add an object.
-- @param obj Object to add
-- @param objBounds 3D bounding box around the object
-- @return boolean True if the object fits entirely within this node
function OctreeNode:add(obj, objBounds)
if not intersect.encapsulate_aabb(self.bounds, objBounds) then
return false
-- We know it fits at this level if we've got this far
-- Just add if few objects are here, or children would be below min size
if #self.objects < self.numObjectsAllowed
or self.baseLength / 2 < self.minSize then
table.insert(self.objects, {
data = obj,
bounds = objBounds
-- Fits at this level, but we can go deeper. Would it fit there?
local best_fit_child
-- Create the 8 children
if #self.children == 0 then
if #self.children == 0 then
print("Child creation failed for an unknown reason. Early exit.")
return false
-- Now that we have the new children, see if this node's existing objects would fit there
for i = #self.objects, 1, -1 do
local object = self.objects[i]
-- Find which child the object is closest to based on where the
-- object's center is located in relation to the octree's center.
best_fit_child = self:best_fit_child(object.bounds)
-- Does it fit?
if intersect.encapsulate_aabb(self.children[best_fit_child].bounds, object.bounds) then
self.children[best_fit_child]:add(object.data, object.bounds) -- Go a level deeper
table.remove(self.objects, i) -- Remove from here
-- Now handle the new object we're adding now
best_fit_child = self:best_fit_child(objBounds)
if intersect.encapsulate_aabb(self.children[best_fit_child].bounds, objBounds) then
self.children[best_fit_child]:add(obj, objBounds)
table.insert(self.objects, {
data = obj,
bounds = objBounds
return true
--- Remove an object. Makes the assumption that the object only exists once in the tree.
-- @param obj Object to remove
-- @return boolean True if the object was removed successfully
function OctreeNode:remove(obj)
local removed = false
for i, object in ipairs(self.objects) do
if object == obj then
removed = table.remove(self.objects, i) and true or false
if not removed then
for _, child in ipairs(self.children) do
removed = child:remove(obj)
if removed then break end
if removed then
-- Check if we should merge nodes now that we've removed an item
if self:should_merge() then
return removed
--- Check if the specified bounds intersect with anything in the tree. See also: get_colliding.
-- @param checkBounds Bounds to check
-- @return boolean True if there was a collision
function OctreeNode:is_colliding(checkBounds)
-- Are the input bounds at least partially in this node?
if not intersect.aabb_aabb(self.bounds, checkBounds) then
return false
-- Check against any objects in this node
for _, object in ipairs(self.objects) do
if intersect.aabb_aabb(object.bounds, checkBounds) then
return true
-- Check children
for _, child in ipairs(self.children) do
if child:is_colliding(checkBounds) then
return true
return false
--- Returns an array of objects that intersect with the specified bounds, if any. Otherwise returns an empty array. See also: is_colliding.
-- @param checkBounds Bounds to check. Passing by ref as it improve performance with structs
-- @param results List results
-- @return table Objects that intersect with the specified bounds
function OctreeNode:get_colliding(checkBounds, results)
results = results or {}
-- Are the input bounds at least partially in this node?
if not intersect.aabb_aabb(self.bounds, checkBounds) then
return results
-- Check against any objects in this node
for _, object in ipairs(self.objects) do
if intersect.aabb_aabb(object.bounds, checkBounds) then
table.insert(results, object.data)
-- Check children
for _, child in ipairs(self.children) do
results = child:get_colliding(checkBounds, results)
return results
--- Cast a ray through the node and its children
-- @param ray Ray with a position and a direction
-- @param func Function to execute on any objects within child nodes
-- @param out Table to store results of func in
-- @param depth (used internally)
-- @return boolean True if an intersect is detected
function OctreeNode:cast_ray(ray, func, out, depth)
depth = depth or 1
if intersect.ray_aabb(ray, self.bounds) then
if #self.objects > 0 then
local hit = func(ray, self.objects, out)
if hit then
return hit
for _, child in ipairs(self.children) do
local hit = child:cast_ray(ray, func, out, depth + 1)
if hit then
return hit
return false
--- Set the 8 children of this octree.
-- @param childOctrees The 8 new child nodes
function OctreeNode:set_children(childOctrees)
if #childOctrees ~= 8 then
print("Child octree array must be length 8. Was length: " .. #childOctrees)
self.children = childOctrees
--- We can shrink the octree if:
--- - This node is >= double minLength in length
--- - All objects in the root node are within one octant
--- - This node doesn't have children, or does but 7/8 children are empty
--- We can also shrink it if there are no objects left at all!
-- @param minLength Minimum dimensions of a node in this octree
-- @return table The new root, or the existing one if we didn't shrink
function OctreeNode:shrink_if_possible(minLength)
if self.baseLength < 2 * minLength then
return self
if #self.objects == 0 and #self.children == 0 then
return self
-- Check objects in root
local bestFit = 0
for i, object in ipairs(self.objects) do
local newBestFit = self:best_fit_child(object.bounds)
if i == 1 or newBestFit == bestFit then
-- In same octant as the other(s). Does it fit completely inside that octant?
if intersect.encapsulate_aabb(self.childBounds[newBestFit], object.bounds) then
if bestFit < 1 then
bestFit = newBestFit
-- Nope, so we can't reduce. Otherwise we continue
return self
return self -- Can't reduce - objects fit in different octants
-- Check objects in children if there are any
if #self.children > 0 then
local childHadContent = false
for i, child in ipairs(self.children) do
if child:has_any_objects() then
if childHadContent then
return self -- Can't shrink - another child had content already
if bestFit > 0 and bestFit ~= i then
return self -- Can't reduce - objects in root are in a different octant to objects in child
childHadContent = true
bestFit = i
-- Can reduce
if #self.children == 0 then
-- We don't have any children, so just shrink this node to the new size
-- We already know that everything will still fit in it
self:set_values(self.baseLength / 2, self.minSize, self.looseness, self.childBounds[bestFit].center)
return self
-- We have children. Use the appropriate child as the new root node
return self.children[bestFit]
--- Set values for this node.
-- @param baseLength Length of this node, not taking looseness into account
-- @param minSize Minimum size of nodes in this octree
-- @param looseness Multiplier for baseLengthVal to get the actual size
-- @param center Centre position of this node
function OctreeNode:set_values(baseLength, minSize, looseness, center)
-- Length of this node if it has a looseness of 1.0
self.baseLength = baseLength
-- Minimum size for a node in this octree
self.minSize = minSize
-- Looseness value for this node
self.looseness = looseness
-- Centre of this node
self.center = center
-- Actual length of sides, taking the looseness value into account
self.adjLength = self.looseness * self.baseLength
-- Create the bounding box.
self.size = vec3(self.adjLength, self.adjLength, self.adjLength)
-- Bounding box that represents this node
self.bounds = new_bound(self.center, self.size)
self.quarter = self.baseLength / 4
self.childActualLength = (self.baseLength / 2) * self.looseness
self.childActualSize = vec3(self.childActualLength, self.childActualLength, self.childActualLength)
-- Bounds of potential children to this node. These are actual size (with looseness taken into account), not base size
self.childBounds = {
new_bound(self.center + vec3(-self.quarter, self.quarter, -self.quarter), self.childActualSize),
new_bound(self.center + vec3( self.quarter, self.quarter, -self.quarter), self.childActualSize),
new_bound(self.center + vec3(-self.quarter, self.quarter, self.quarter), self.childActualSize),
new_bound(self.center + vec3( self.quarter, self.quarter, self.quarter), self.childActualSize),
new_bound(self.center + vec3(-self.quarter, -self.quarter, -self.quarter), self.childActualSize),
new_bound(self.center + vec3( self.quarter, -self.quarter, -self.quarter), self.childActualSize),
new_bound(self.center + vec3(-self.quarter, -self.quarter, self.quarter), self.childActualSize),
new_bound(self.center + vec3( self.quarter, -self.quarter, self.quarter), self.childActualSize)
--- Splits the octree into eight children.
function OctreeNode:split()
if #self.children > 0 then return end
local quarter = self.baseLength / 4
local newLength = self.baseLength / 2
table.insert(self.children, Node(newLength, self.minSize, self.looseness, self.center + vec3(-quarter, quarter, -quarter)))
table.insert(self.children, Node(newLength, self.minSize, self.looseness, self.center + vec3( quarter, quarter, -quarter)))
table.insert(self.children, Node(newLength, self.minSize, self.looseness, self.center + vec3(-quarter, quarter, quarter)))
table.insert(self.children, Node(newLength, self.minSize, self.looseness, self.center + vec3( quarter, quarter, quarter)))
table.insert(self.children, Node(newLength, self.minSize, self.looseness, self.center + vec3(-quarter, -quarter, -quarter)))
table.insert(self.children, Node(newLength, self.minSize, self.looseness, self.center + vec3( quarter, -quarter, -quarter)))
table.insert(self.children, Node(newLength, self.minSize, self.looseness, self.center + vec3(-quarter, -quarter, quarter)))
table.insert(self.children, Node(newLength, self.minSize, self.looseness, self.center + vec3( quarter, -quarter, quarter)))
--- Merge all children into this node - the opposite of Split.
--- Note: We only have to check one level down since a merge will never happen if the children already have children,
--- since THAT won't happen unless there are already too many objects to merge.
function OctreeNode:merge()
for _, child in ipairs(self.children) do
for _, object in ipairs(child.objects) do
table.insert(self.objects, object)
-- Remove the child nodes (and the objects in them - they've been added elsewhere now)
self.children = {}
--- Find which child node this object would be most likely to fit in.
-- @param objBounds The object's bounds
-- @return number One of the eight child octants
function OctreeNode:best_fit_child(objBounds)
return (objBounds.center.x <= self.center.x and 0 or 1) + (objBounds.center.y >= self.center.y and 0 or 4) + (objBounds.center.z <= self.center.z and 0 or 2) + 1
--- Checks if there are few enough objects in this node and its children that the children should all be merged into this.
-- @return boolean True there are less or the same abount of objects in this and its children than numObjectsAllowed
function OctreeNode:should_merge()
local totalObjects = #self.objects
for _, child in ipairs(self.children) do
if #child.children > 0 then
-- If any of the *children* have children, there are definitely too many to merge,
-- or the child would have been merged already
return false
totalObjects = totalObjects + #child.objects
return totalObjects <= self.numObjectsAllowed
--- Checks if this node or anything below it has something in it.
-- @return boolean True if this node or any of its children, grandchildren etc have something in the
function OctreeNode:has_any_objects()
if #self.objects > 0 then return true end
for _, child in ipairs(self.children) do
if child:has_any_objects() then return true end
return false
--- Draws node boundaries visually for debugging.
-- @param cube Cube model to draw
-- @param depth Used for recurcive calls to this method
function OctreeNode:draw_bounds(cube, depth)
depth = depth or 0
local tint = depth / 7 -- Will eventually get values > 1. Color rounds to 1 automatically
love.graphics.setColor(tint * 255, 0, (1 - tint) * 255)
local m = mat4()
:scale(vec3(self.adjLength, self.adjLength, self.adjLength))
love.graphics.updateMatrix("transform", m)
for _, child in ipairs(self.children) do
child:draw_bounds(cube, depth + 1)
love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255)
--- Draws the bounds of all objects in the tree visually for debugging.
-- @param cube Cube model to draw
-- @param filter a function returning true or false to determine visibility.
function OctreeNode:draw_objects(cube, filter)
local tint = self.baseLength / 20
love.graphics.setColor(0, (1 - tint) * 255, tint * 255, 63)
for _, object in ipairs(self.objects) do
if filter and filter(object.data) or not filter then
local m = mat4()
love.graphics.updateMatrix("transform", m)
for _, child in ipairs(self.children) do
child:draw_objects(cube, filter)
love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255)
Node = setmetatable({
new = new_node
}, {
__call = function(_, ...) return new_node(...) end
return setmetatable({
new = new
}, {
__call = function(_, ...) return new(...) end