Brandon McGriff 6a295cad59 Added Windows batch files for automated packaging of fused Windows packages.
They require the tar utility, but that's included in the latest versions of Windows 10. The utility is available for installation on other versions of Windows.

I also found out how to get the Discord RPC library to load with all ways of running the game, but that required changing libs/discordRPC.lua. Binary libraries can only be loaded from the filesystem, outside of a .love archive or fused executable.
2020-11-09 15:51:00 -08:00

26 lines
635 B

call package.bat
mkdir dist
mkdir dist\windows
mkdir dist\windows\libs
mkdir dist\win32
mkdir dist\win32\libs
copy /b dist\windows\ dist\windows\cambridge.exe
copy /b dist\win32\ dist\win32\cambridge.exe
copy libs\discord-rpc.dll dist\windows\libs
copy libs\discord-rpc.dll dist\win32\libs
copy dist\windows
copy dist\windows
copy dist\win32
copy dist\win32
cd dist\windows
tar -a -c -f ..\ cambridge.exe *.dll libs *.md
cd ..\..
cd dist\win32
tar -a -c -f ..\ cambridge.exe *.dll libs *.md
cd ..\..