using System; using System.Linq; using System.Threading; using System.Text; using System.Runtime.InteropServices; class Program { // Request user's avatar data. Sizes can be powers of 2 between 16 and 2048 static void FetchAvatar(Discord.ImageManager imageManager, Int64 userID) { imageManager.Fetch(Discord.ImageHandle.User(userID), (result, handle) => { { if (result == Discord.Result.Ok) { // You can also use GetTexture2D within Unity. // These return raw RGBA. var data = imageManager.GetData(handle); Console.WriteLine("image updated {0} {1}", handle.Id, data.Length); } else { Console.WriteLine("image error {0}", handle.Id); } } }); } // Update user's activity for your game. // Party and secrets are vital. // Read for more details. static void UpdateActivity(Discord.Discord discord, Discord.Lobby lobby) { var activityManager = discord.GetActivityManager(); var lobbyManager = discord.GetLobbyManager(); var activity = new Discord.Activity { State = "olleh", Details = "foo details", Timestamps = { Start = 5, End = 6, }, Assets = { LargeImage = "foo largeImageKey", LargeText = "foo largeImageText", SmallImage = "foo smallImageKey", SmallText = "foo smallImageText", }, Party = { Id = lobby.Id.ToString(), Size = { CurrentSize = lobbyManager.MemberCount(lobby.Id), MaxSize = (int)lobby.Capacity, }, }, Secrets = { Join = lobbyManager.GetLobbyActivitySecret(lobby.Id), }, Instance = true, }; activityManager.UpdateActivity(activity, result => { Console.WriteLine("Update Activity {0}", result); // Send an invite to another user for this activity. // Receiver should see an invite in their DM. // Use a relationship user's ID for this. // activityManager // .SendInvite( // 364843917537050624, // Discord.ActivityActionType.Join, // "", // inviteResult => // { // Console.WriteLine("Invite {0}", inviteResult); // } // ); }); } static void Main(string[] args) { // Use your client ID from Discord's developer site. var clientID = Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("DISCORD_CLIENT_ID"); if (clientID == null) { clientID = "418559331265675294"; } var discord = new Discord.Discord(Int64.Parse(clientID), (UInt64)Discord.CreateFlags.Default); discord.SetLogHook(Discord.LogLevel.Debug, (level, message) => { Console.WriteLine("Log[{0}] {1}", level, message); }); var applicationManager = discord.GetApplicationManager(); // Get the current locale. This can be used to determine what text or audio the user wants. Console.WriteLine("Current Locale: {0}", applicationManager.GetCurrentLocale()); // Get the current branch. For example alpha or beta. Console.WriteLine("Current Branch: {0}", applicationManager.GetCurrentBranch()); // If you want to verify information from your game's server then you can // grab the access token and send it to your server. // // This automatically looks for an environment variable passed by the Discord client, // if it does not exist the Discord client will focus itself for manual authorization. // // By-default the SDK grants the identify and rpc scopes. // Read more at // applicationManager.GetOAuth2Token((Discord.Result result, ref Discord.OAuth2Token oauth2Token) => // { // Console.WriteLine("Access Token {0}", oauth2Token.AccessToken); // }); var activityManager = discord.GetActivityManager(); var lobbyManager = discord.GetLobbyManager(); // Received when someone accepts a request to join or invite. // Use secrets to receive back the information needed to add the user to the group/party/match activityManager.OnActivityJoin += secret => { Console.WriteLine("OnJoin {0}", secret); lobbyManager.ConnectLobbyWithActivitySecret(secret, (Discord.Result result, ref Discord.Lobby lobby) => { Console.WriteLine("Connected to lobby: {0}", lobby.Id); lobbyManager.ConnectNetwork(lobby.Id); lobbyManager.OpenNetworkChannel(lobby.Id, 0, true); foreach (var user in lobbyManager.GetMemberUsers(lobby.Id)) { lobbyManager.SendNetworkMessage(lobby.Id, user.Id, 0, Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(String.Format("Hello, {0}!", user.Username))); } UpdateActivity(discord, lobby); }); }; // Received when someone accepts a request to spectate activityManager.OnActivitySpectate += secret => { Console.WriteLine("OnSpectate {0}", secret); }; // A join request has been received. Render the request on the UI. activityManager.OnActivityJoinRequest += (ref Discord.User user) => { Console.WriteLine("OnJoinRequest {0} {1}", user.Id, user.Username); }; // An invite has been received. Consider rendering the user / activity on the UI. activityManager.OnActivityInvite += (Discord.ActivityActionType Type, ref Discord.User user, ref Discord.Activity activity2) => { Console.WriteLine("OnInvite {0} {1} {2}", Type, user.Username, activity2.Name); // activityManager.AcceptInvite(user.Id, result => // { // Console.WriteLine("AcceptInvite {0}", result); // }); }; // This is used to register the game in the registry such that Discord can find it. // This is only needed by games acquired from other platforms, like Steam. // activityManager.RegisterCommand(); var imageManager = discord.GetImageManager(); var userManager = discord.GetUserManager(); // The auth manager fires events as information about the current user changes. // This event will fire once on init. // // GetCurrentUser will error until this fires once. userManager.OnCurrentUserUpdate += () => { var currentUser = userManager.GetCurrentUser(); Console.WriteLine(currentUser.Username); Console.WriteLine(currentUser.Id); }; // If you store Discord user ids in a central place like a leaderboard and want to render them. // The users manager can be used to fetch arbitrary Discord users. This only provides basic // information and does not automatically update like relationships. userManager.GetUser(450795363658366976, (Discord.Result result, ref Discord.User user) => { if (result == Discord.Result.Ok) { Console.WriteLine("user fetched: {0}", user.Username); // Request users's avatar data. // This can only be done after a user is successfully fetched. FetchAvatar(imageManager, user.Id); } else { Console.WriteLine("user fetch error: {0}", result); } }); var relationshipManager = discord.GetRelationshipManager(); // It is important to assign this handle right away to get the initial relationships refresh. // This callback will only be fired when the whole list is initially loaded or was reset relationshipManager.OnRefresh += () => { // Filter a user's relationship list to be just friends relationshipManager.Filter((ref Discord.Relationship relationship) => { return relationship.Type == Discord.RelationshipType.Friend; }); // Loop over all friends a user has. Console.WriteLine("relationships updated: {0}", relationshipManager.Count()); for (var i = 0; i < Math.Min(relationshipManager.Count(), 10); i++) { // Get an individual relationship from the list var r = relationshipManager.GetAt((uint)i); Console.WriteLine("relationships: {0} {1} {2} {3}", r.Type, r.User.Username, r.Presence.Status, r.Presence.Activity.Name); // Request relationship's avatar data. FetchAvatar(imageManager, r.User.Id); } }; // All following relationship updates are delivered individually. // These are fired when a user gets a new friend, removes a friend, or a relationship's presence changes. relationshipManager.OnRelationshipUpdate += (ref Discord.Relationship r) => { Console.WriteLine("relationship updated: {0} {1} {2} {3}", r.Type, r.User.Username, r.Presence.Status, r.Presence.Activity.Name); }; lobbyManager.OnLobbyMessage += (lobbyID, userID, data) => { Console.WriteLine("lobby message: {0} {1}", lobbyID, Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data)); }; lobbyManager.OnNetworkMessage += (lobbyId, userId, channelId, data) => { Console.WriteLine("network message: {0} {1} {2} {3}", lobbyId, userId, channelId, Encoding.UTF8.GetString(data)); }; lobbyManager.OnSpeaking += (lobbyID, userID, speaking) => { Console.WriteLine("lobby speaking: {0} {1} {2}", lobbyID, userID, speaking); }; // Create a lobby. var transaction = lobbyManager.GetLobbyCreateTransaction(); transaction.SetCapacity(6); transaction.SetType(Discord.LobbyType.Public); transaction.SetMetadata("a", "123"); transaction.SetMetadata("a", "456"); transaction.SetMetadata("b", "111"); transaction.SetMetadata("c", "222"); lobbyManager.CreateLobby(transaction, (Discord.Result result, ref Discord.Lobby lobby) => { if (result != Discord.Result.Ok) { return; } // Check the lobby's configuration. Console.WriteLine("lobby {0} with capacity {1} and secret {2}", lobby.Id, lobby.Capacity, lobby.Secret); // Check lobby metadata. foreach (var key in new string[] { "a", "b", "c" }) { Console.WriteLine("{0} = {1}", key, lobbyManager.GetLobbyMetadataValue(lobby.Id, key)); } // Print all the members of the lobby. foreach (var user in lobbyManager.GetMemberUsers(lobby.Id)) { Console.WriteLine("lobby member: {0}", user.Username); } // Send everyone a message. lobbyManager.SendLobbyMessage(lobby.Id, "Hello from C#!", (_) => { Console.WriteLine("sent message"); }); // Update lobby. var lobbyTransaction = lobbyManager.GetLobbyUpdateTransaction(lobby.Id); lobbyTransaction.SetMetadata("d", "e"); lobbyTransaction.SetCapacity(16); lobbyManager.UpdateLobby(lobby.Id, lobbyTransaction, (_) => { Console.WriteLine("lobby has been updated"); }); // Update a member. var lobbyID = lobby.Id; var userID = lobby.OwnerId; var memberTransaction = lobbyManager.GetMemberUpdateTransaction(lobbyID, userID); memberTransaction.SetMetadata("hello", "there"); lobbyManager.UpdateMember(lobbyID, userID, memberTransaction, (_) => { Console.WriteLine("lobby member has been updated: {0}", lobbyManager.GetMemberMetadataValue(lobbyID, userID, "hello")); }); // Search lobbies. var query = lobbyManager.GetSearchQuery(); // Filter by a metadata value. query.Filter("metadata.a", Discord.LobbySearchComparison.GreaterThan, Discord.LobbySearchCast.Number, "455"); query.Sort("metadata.a", Discord.LobbySearchCast.Number, "0"); // Only return 1 result max. query.Limit(1); lobbyManager.Search(query, (_) => { Console.WriteLine("search returned {0} lobbies", lobbyManager.LobbyCount()); if (lobbyManager.LobbyCount() == 1) { Console.WriteLine("first lobby secret: {0}", lobbyManager.GetLobby(lobbyManager.GetLobbyId(0)).Secret); } }); // Connect to voice chat. lobbyManager.ConnectVoice(lobby.Id, (_) => { Console.WriteLine("Connected to voice chat!"); }); // Setup networking. lobbyManager.ConnectNetwork(lobby.Id); lobbyManager.OpenNetworkChannel(lobby.Id, 0, true); // Update activity. UpdateActivity(discord, lobby); }); /* var overlayManager = discord.GetOverlayManager(); overlayManager.OnOverlayLocked += locked => { Console.WriteLine("Overlay Locked: {0}", locked); }; overlayManager.SetLocked(false); */ var storageManager = discord.GetStorageManager(); var contents = new byte[20000]; var random = new Random(); random.NextBytes(contents); Console.WriteLine("storage path: {0}", storageManager.GetPath()); storageManager.WriteAsync("foo", contents, res => { var files = storageManager.Files(); foreach (var file in files) { Console.WriteLine("file: {0} size: {1} last_modified: {2}", file.Filename, file.Size, file.LastModified); } storageManager.ReadAsyncPartial("foo", 400, 50, (result, data) => { Console.WriteLine("partial contents of foo match {0}", Enumerable.SequenceEqual(data, new ArraySegment(contents, 400, 50))); }); storageManager.ReadAsync("foo", (result, data) => { Console.WriteLine("length of contents {0} data {1}", contents.Length, data.Length); Console.WriteLine("contents of foo match {0}", Enumerable.SequenceEqual(data, contents)); Console.WriteLine("foo exists? {0}", storageManager.Exists("foo")); storageManager.Delete("foo"); Console.WriteLine("post-delete foo exists? {0}", storageManager.Exists("foo")); }); }); var storeManager = discord.GetStoreManager(); storeManager.OnEntitlementCreate += (ref Discord.Entitlement entitlement) => { Console.WriteLine("Entitlement Create1: {0}", entitlement.Id); }; // Start a purchase flow. // storeManager.StartPurchase(487507201519255552, result => // { // if (result == Discord.Result.Ok) // { // Console.WriteLine("Purchase Complete"); // } // else // { // Console.WriteLine("Purchase Canceled"); // } // }); // Get all entitlements. storeManager.FetchEntitlements(result => { if (result == Discord.Result.Ok) { foreach (var entitlement in storeManager.GetEntitlements()) { Console.WriteLine("entitlement: {0} - {1} {2}", entitlement.Id, entitlement.Type, entitlement.SkuId); } } }); // Get all SKUs. storeManager.FetchSkus(result => { if (result == Discord.Result.Ok) { foreach (var sku in storeManager.GetSkus()) { Console.WriteLine("sku: {0} - {1} {2}", sku.Name, sku.Price.Amount, sku.Price.Currency); } } }); // Pump the event look to ensure all callbacks continue to get fired. try { while (true) { discord.RunCallbacks(); lobbyManager.FlushNetwork(); Thread.Sleep(1000 / 60); } } finally { discord.Dispose(); } } }