local ConfigScene = Scene:extend() ConfigScene.title = "Game Settings" require 'load.save' require 'libs.simple-slider' ConfigScene.options = { -- this serves as reference to what the options' values mean i guess? -- Format: {name in config, displayed name, uses slider?, options OR slider name} {"manlock", "Manual Locking", false, {"Per ruleset", "Per gamemode", "Harddrop", "Softdrop"}}, {"piece_colour", "Piece Colours", false, {"Per ruleset", "Arika", "TTC"}}, {"world_reverse", "A Button Rotation", false, {"Left", "Auto", "Right"}}, {"spawn_positions", "Spawn Positions", false, {"In field", "Out of field"}}, {"display_gamemode", "Display Gamemode", false, {"On", "Off"}}, {"das_last_key", "DAS Switch", false, {"Default", "Instant"}}, {"smooth_movement", "Smooth Piece Drop", false, {"On", "Off"}}, {"synchroes_allowed", "Synchroes", false, {"Per ruleset", "On", "Off"}}, {"diagonal_input", "Diagonal Input", false, {"On", "Off"}}, {"buffer_lock", "Buffer Lock Inputs", false, {"On", "Off"}}, {"sfx_volume", "SFX", true, "sfxSlider"}, {"bgm_volume", "BGM", true, "bgmSlider"}, } local optioncount = #ConfigScene.options function ConfigScene:new() -- load current config self.config = config.input self.highlight = 1 DiscordRPC:update({ details = "In menus", state = "Changing game settings", }) self.sfxSlider = newSlider(165, 400, 225, config.sfx_volume * 100, 0, 100, function(v) config.sfx_volume = v / 100 end, {width=20, knob="circle", track="roundrect"}) self.bgmSlider = newSlider(465, 400, 225, config.bgm_volume * 100, 0, 100, function(v) config.bgm_volume = v / 100 end, {width=20, knob="circle", track="roundrect"}) end function ConfigScene:update() config["das_last_key"] = config.gamesettings.das_last_key == 2 self.sfxSlider:update() self.bgmSlider:update() end function ConfigScene:render() love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) love.graphics.draw( backgrounds["game_config"], 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5 ) love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_4) love.graphics.print("GAME SETTINGS", 80, 40) --Lazy check to see if we're on the SFX or BGM slider. Probably will need to be rewritten if more options get added. love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 0.5) if not ConfigScene.options[self.highlight][3] then love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 25, 98 + self.highlight * 20, 170, 22) else love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 65 + (1+self.highlight-#self.options) * 300, 342, 215, 33) end love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_2) for i, option in ipairs(ConfigScene.options) do if not option[3] then love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) love.graphics.printf(option[2], 40, 100 + i * 20, 150, "left") for j, setting in ipairs(option[4]) do love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, config.gamesettings[option[1]] == j and 1 or 0.5) love.graphics.printf(setting, 100 + 110 * j, 100 + i * 20, 100, "center") end end end love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_3) love.graphics.print("SFX Volume: " .. math.floor(self.sfxSlider:getValue()) .. "%", 75, 345) love.graphics.print("BGM Volume: " .. math.floor(self.bgmSlider:getValue()) .. "%", 375, 345) love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 0.75) self.sfxSlider:draw() self.bgmSlider:draw() end function ConfigScene:onInputPress(e) if e.input == "menu_decide" or e.scancode == "return" then playSE("mode_decide") saveConfig() scene = SettingsScene() elseif e.input == "up" or e.scancode == "up" then playSE("cursor") self.highlight = Mod1(self.highlight-1, optioncount) elseif e.input == "down" or e.scancode == "down" then playSE("cursor") self.highlight = Mod1(self.highlight+1, optioncount) elseif e.input == "left" or e.scancode == "left" then if not self.options[self.highlight][3] then playSE("cursor_lr") local option = ConfigScene.options[self.highlight] config.gamesettings[option[1]] = Mod1(config.gamesettings[option[1]]-1, #option[4]) else playSE("cursor") sld = self[self.options[self.highlight][4]] sld.value = math.max(sld.min, math.min(sld.max, (sld:getValue() - 3) / (sld.max - sld.min))) end elseif e.input == "right" or e.scancode == "right" then if not self.options[self.highlight][3] then playSE("cursor_lr") local option = ConfigScene.options[self.highlight] config.gamesettings[option[1]] = Mod1(config.gamesettings[option[1]]+1, #option[4]) else playSE("cursor") sld = self[self.options[self.highlight][4]] sld.value = math.max(sld.min, math.min(sld.max, (sld:getValue() + 3) / (sld.max - sld.min)))--math.max(0, (math.floor(sld:getValue())+2)/(sld.max-sld.min)) end elseif e.input == "menu_back" or e.scancode == "delete" or e.scancode == "backspace" then loadSave() scene = SettingsScene() end end return ConfigScene