--- A quaternion and associated utilities. -- @module quat local modules = (...):gsub('%.[^%.]+$', '') .. "." local constants = require(modules .. "constants") local vec3 = require(modules .. "vec3") local precond = require(modules .. "_private_precond") local private = require(modules .. "_private_utils") local DOT_THRESHOLD = constants.DOT_THRESHOLD local DBL_EPSILON = constants.DBL_EPSILON local acos = math.acos local cos = math.cos local sin = math.sin local min = math.min local max = math.max local sqrt = math.sqrt local quat = {} local quat_mt = {} -- Private constructor. local function new(x, y, z, w) return setmetatable({ x = x or 0, y = y or 0, z = z or 0, w = w or 1 }, quat_mt) end -- Do the check to see if JIT is enabled. If so use the optimized FFI structs. local status, ffi if type(jit) == "table" and jit.status() then status, ffi = pcall(require, "ffi") if status then ffi.cdef "typedef struct { double x, y, z, w;} cpml_quat;" new = ffi.typeof("cpml_quat") end end -- Statically allocate a temporary variable used in some of our functions. local tmp = new() local qv, uv, uuv = vec3(), vec3(), vec3() --- Constants -- @table quat -- @field unit Unit quaternion -- @field zero Empty quaternion quat.unit = new(0, 0, 0, 1) quat.zero = new(0, 0, 0, 0) --- The public constructor. -- @param x Can be of two types:
-- number x X component -- table {x, y, z, w} or {x=x, y=y, z=z, w=w} -- @tparam number y Y component -- @tparam number z Z component -- @tparam number w W component -- @treturn quat out function quat.new(x, y, z, w) -- number, number, number, number if x and y and z and w then precond.typeof(x, "number", "new: Wrong argument type for x") precond.typeof(y, "number", "new: Wrong argument type for y") precond.typeof(z, "number", "new: Wrong argument type for z") precond.typeof(w, "number", "new: Wrong argument type for w") return new(x, y, z, w) -- {x, y, z, w} or {x=x, y=y, z=z, w=w} elseif type(x) == "table" then local xx, yy, zz, ww = x.x or x[1], x.y or x[2], x.z or x[3], x.w or x[4] precond.typeof(xx, "number", "new: Wrong argument type for x") precond.typeof(yy, "number", "new: Wrong argument type for y") precond.typeof(zz, "number", "new: Wrong argument type for z") precond.typeof(ww, "number", "new: Wrong argument type for w") return new(xx, yy, zz, ww) end return new(0, 0, 0, 1) end --- Create a quaternion from an angle/axis pair. -- @tparam number angle Angle (in radians) -- @param axis/x -- Can be of two types, a vec3 axis, or the x component of that axis -- @param y axis -- y component of axis (optional, only if x component param used) -- @param z axis -- z component of axis (optional, only if x component param used) -- @treturn quat out function quat.from_angle_axis(angle, axis, a3, a4) if axis and a3 and a4 then local x, y, z = axis, a3, a4 local s = sin(angle * 0.5) local c = cos(angle * 0.5) return new(x * s, y * s, z * s, c) else return quat.from_angle_axis(angle, axis.x, axis.y, axis.z) end end --- Create a quaternion from a normal/up vector pair. -- @tparam vec3 normal -- @tparam vec3 up (optional) -- @treturn quat out function quat.from_direction(normal, up) local u = up or vec3.unit_z local n = normal:normalize() local a = u:cross(n) local d = u:dot(n) return new(a.x, a.y, a.z, d + 1) end --- Clone a quaternion. -- @tparam quat a Quaternion to clone -- @treturn quat out function quat.clone(a) return new(a.x, a.y, a.z, a.w) end --- Add two quaternions. -- @tparam quat a Left hand operand -- @tparam quat b Right hand operand -- @treturn quat out function quat.add(a, b) return new( a.x + b.x, a.y + b.y, a.z + b.z, a.w + b.w ) end --- Subtract a quaternion from another. -- @tparam quat a Left hand operand -- @tparam quat b Right hand operand -- @treturn quat out function quat.sub(a, b) return new( a.x - b.x, a.y - b.y, a.z - b.z, a.w - b.w ) end --- Multiply two quaternions. -- @tparam quat a Left hand operand -- @tparam quat b Right hand operand -- @treturn quat quaternion equivalent to "apply b, then a" function quat.mul(a, b) return new( a.x * b.w + a.w * b.x + a.y * b.z - a.z * b.y, a.y * b.w + a.w * b.y + a.z * b.x - a.x * b.z, a.z * b.w + a.w * b.z + a.x * b.y - a.y * b.x, a.w * b.w - a.x * b.x - a.y * b.y - a.z * b.z ) end --- Multiply a quaternion and a vec3. -- @tparam quat a Left hand operand -- @tparam vec3 b Right hand operand -- @treturn vec3 out function quat.mul_vec3(a, b) qv.x = a.x qv.y = a.y qv.z = a.z uv = qv:cross(b) uuv = qv:cross(uv) return b + ((uv * a.w) + uuv) * 2 end --- Raise a normalized quaternion to a scalar power. -- @tparam quat a Left hand operand (should be a unit quaternion) -- @tparam number s Right hand operand -- @treturn quat out function quat.pow(a, s) -- Do it as a slerp between identity and a (code borrowed from slerp) if a.w < 0 then a = -a end local dot = a.w dot = min(max(dot, -1), 1) local theta = acos(dot) * s local c = new(a.x, a.y, a.z, 0):normalize() * sin(theta) c.w = cos(theta) return c end --- Normalize a quaternion. -- @tparam quat a Quaternion to normalize -- @treturn quat out function quat.normalize(a) if a:is_zero() then return new(0, 0, 0, 0) end return a:scale(1 / a:len()) end --- Get the dot product of two quaternions. -- @tparam quat a Left hand operand -- @tparam quat b Right hand operand -- @treturn number dot function quat.dot(a, b) return a.x * b.x + a.y * b.y + a.z * b.z + a.w * b.w end --- Return the length of a quaternion. -- @tparam quat a Quaternion to get length of -- @treturn number len function quat.len(a) return sqrt(a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y + a.z * a.z + a.w * a.w) end --- Return the squared length of a quaternion. -- @tparam quat a Quaternion to get length of -- @treturn number len function quat.len2(a) return a.x * a.x + a.y * a.y + a.z * a.z + a.w * a.w end --- Multiply a quaternion by a scalar. -- @tparam quat a Left hand operand -- @tparam number s Right hand operand -- @treturn quat out function quat.scale(a, s) return new( a.x * s, a.y * s, a.z * s, a.w * s ) end --- Alias of from_angle_axis. -- @tparam number angle Angle (in radians) -- @param axis/x -- Can be of two types, a vec3 axis, or the x component of that axis -- @param y axis -- y component of axis (optional, only if x component param used) -- @param z axis -- z component of axis (optional, only if x component param used) -- @treturn quat out function quat.rotate(angle, axis, a3, a4) return quat.from_angle_axis(angle, axis, a3, a4) end --- Return the conjugate of a quaternion. -- @tparam quat a Quaternion to conjugate -- @treturn quat out function quat.conjugate(a) return new(-a.x, -a.y, -a.z, a.w) end --- Return the inverse of a quaternion. -- @tparam quat a Quaternion to invert -- @treturn quat out function quat.inverse(a) tmp.x = -a.x tmp.y = -a.y tmp.z = -a.z tmp.w = a.w return tmp:normalize() end --- Return the reciprocal of a quaternion. -- @tparam quat a Quaternion to reciprocate -- @treturn quat out function quat.reciprocal(a) if a:is_zero() then error("Cannot reciprocate a zero quaternion") return false end tmp.x = -a.x tmp.y = -a.y tmp.z = -a.z tmp.w = a.w return tmp:scale(1 / a:len2()) end --- Lerp between two quaternions. -- @tparam quat a Left hand operand -- @tparam quat b Right hand operand -- @tparam number s Step value -- @treturn quat out function quat.lerp(a, b, s) return (a + (b - a) * s):normalize() end --- Slerp between two quaternions. -- @tparam quat a Left hand operand -- @tparam quat b Right hand operand -- @tparam number s Step value -- @treturn quat out function quat.slerp(a, b, s) local dot = a:dot(b) if dot < 0 then a = -a dot = -dot end if dot > DOT_THRESHOLD then return a:lerp(b, s) end dot = min(max(dot, -1), 1) local theta = acos(dot) * s local c = (b - a * dot):normalize() return a * cos(theta) + c * sin(theta) end --- Unpack a quaternion into individual components. -- @tparam quat a Quaternion to unpack -- @treturn number x -- @treturn number y -- @treturn number z -- @treturn number w function quat.unpack(a) return a.x, a.y, a.z, a.w end --- Return a boolean showing if a table is or is not a quat. -- @tparam quat a Quaternion to be tested -- @treturn boolean is_quat function quat.is_quat(a) if type(a) == "cdata" then return ffi.istype("cpml_quat", a) end return type(a) == "table" and type(a.x) == "number" and type(a.y) == "number" and type(a.z) == "number" and type(a.w) == "number" end --- Return a boolean showing if a table is or is not a zero quat. -- @tparam quat a Quaternion to be tested -- @treturn boolean is_zero function quat.is_zero(a) return a.x == 0 and a.y == 0 and a.z == 0 and a.w == 0 end --- Return a boolean showing if a table is or is not a real quat. -- @tparam quat a Quaternion to be tested -- @treturn boolean is_real function quat.is_real(a) return a.x == 0 and a.y == 0 and a.z == 0 end --- Return a boolean showing if a table is or is not an imaginary quat. -- @tparam quat a Quaternion to be tested -- @treturn boolean is_imaginary function quat.is_imaginary(a) return a.w == 0 end --- Return whether any component is NaN -- @tparam quat a Quaternion to be tested -- @treturn boolean if x,y,z, or w is NaN function quat.has_nan(a) return private.is_nan(a.x) or private.is_nan(a.y) or private.is_nan(a.z) or private.is_nan(a.w) end --- Convert a quaternion into an angle plus axis components. -- @tparam quat a Quaternion to convert -- @tparam identityAxis vec3 of axis to use on identity/degenerate quaternions (optional, default returns 0,0,0,1) -- @treturn number angle -- @treturn x axis-x -- @treturn y axis-y -- @treturn z axis-z function quat.to_angle_axis_unpack(a, identityAxis) if a.w > 1 or a.w < -1 then a = a:normalize() end -- If length of xyz components is less than DBL_EPSILON, this is zero or close enough (an identity quaternion) -- Normally an identity quat would return a nonsense answer, so we return an arbitrary zero rotation early. -- FIXME: Is it safe to assume there are *no* valid quaternions with nonzero degenerate lengths? if a.x*a.x + a.y*a.y + a.z*a.z < constants.DBL_EPSILON*constants.DBL_EPSILON then if identityAxis then return 0,identityAxis:unpack() else return 0,0,0,1 end end local x, y, z local angle = 2 * acos(a.w) local s = sqrt(1 - a.w * a.w) if s < DBL_EPSILON then x = a.x y = a.y z = a.z else x = a.x / s y = a.y / s z = a.z / s end return angle, x, y, z end --- Convert a quaternion into an angle/axis pair. -- @tparam quat a Quaternion to convert -- @tparam identityAxis vec3 of axis to use on identity/degenerate quaternions (optional, default returns 0,vec3(0,0,1)) -- @treturn number angle -- @treturn vec3 axis function quat.to_angle_axis(a, identityAxis) local angle, x, y, z = a:to_angle_axis_unpack(identityAxis) return angle, vec3(x, y, z) end --- Convert a quaternion into a vec3. -- @tparam quat a Quaternion to convert -- @treturn vec3 out function quat.to_vec3(a) return vec3(a.x, a.y, a.z) end --- Return a formatted string. -- @tparam quat a Quaternion to be turned into a string -- @treturn string formatted function quat.to_string(a) return string.format("(%+0.3f,%+0.3f,%+0.3f,%+0.3f)", a.x, a.y, a.z, a.w) end quat_mt.__index = quat quat_mt.__tostring = quat.to_string function quat_mt.__call(_, x, y, z, w) return quat.new(x, y, z, w) end function quat_mt.__unm(a) return a:scale(-1) end function quat_mt.__eq(a,b) if not quat.is_quat(a) or not quat.is_quat(b) then return false end return a.x == b.x and a.y == b.y and a.z == b.z and a.w == b.w end function quat_mt.__add(a, b) precond.assert(quat.is_quat(a), "__add: Wrong argument type '%s' for left hand operand. ( expected)", type(a)) precond.assert(quat.is_quat(b), "__add: Wrong argument type '%s' for right hand operand. ( expected)", type(b)) return a:add(b) end function quat_mt.__sub(a, b) precond.assert(quat.is_quat(a), "__sub: Wrong argument type '%s' for left hand operand. ( expected)", type(a)) precond.assert(quat.is_quat(b), "__sub: Wrong argument type '%s' for right hand operand. ( expected)", type(b)) return a:sub(b) end function quat_mt.__mul(a, b) precond.assert(quat.is_quat(a), "__mul: Wrong argument type '%s' for left hand operand. ( expected)", type(a)) assert(quat.is_quat(b) or vec3.is_vec3(b) or type(b) == "number", "__mul: Wrong argument type for right hand operand. ( or or expected)") if quat.is_quat(b) then return a:mul(b) end if type(b) == "number" then return a:scale(b) end return a:mul_vec3(b) end function quat_mt.__pow(a, n) precond.assert(quat.is_quat(a), "__pow: Wrong argument type '%s' for left hand operand. ( expected)", type(a)) precond.typeof(n, "number", "__pow: Wrong argument type for right hand operand.") return a:pow(n) end if status then xpcall(function() -- Allow this to silently fail; assume failure means someone messed with package.loaded ffi.metatype(new, quat_mt) end, function() end) end return setmetatable({}, quat_mt)