local TitleScene = Scene:extend() local main_menu_screens = { ModeSelectScene, InputConfigScene, GameConfigScene, ExitScene, } local mainmenuidle = { "Idle", "On title screen", "On main menu screen", "Twiddling their thumbs", "Admiring the main menu's BG", "Waiting for spring to come", "Actually not playing", "Contemplating collecting stars", "Preparing to put the block!!", "Having a nap", "In menus", "Bottom text", } function TitleScene:new() self.main_menu_state = 1 DiscordRPC:update({ details = "In menus", state = mainmenuidle[math.random(#mainmenuidle)], }) end function TitleScene:update() end function TitleScene:render() love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_2) love.graphics.draw( backgrounds["title"], 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5 ) love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 0.5) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 20, 278 + 20 * self.main_menu_state, 160, 22) love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) for i, screen in pairs(main_menu_screens) do love.graphics.printf(screen.title, 40, 280 + 20 * i, 120, "left") end end function TitleScene:changeOption(rel) local len = table.getn(main_menu_screens) self.main_menu_state = (self.main_menu_state + len + rel - 1) % len + 1 end function TitleScene:onInputPress(e) if e.input == "menu_decide" then playSE("main_decide") scene = main_menu_screens[self.main_menu_state]() elseif e.input == "up" then self:changeOption(-1) playSE("cursor") elseif e.input == "down" then self:changeOption(1) playSE("cursor") elseif e.input == "menu_back" then love.event.quit() end end return TitleScene