require 'funcs' local GameMode = require 'tetris.modes.gamemode' local Piece = require 'tetris.components.piece' local History6RollsRandomizer = require 'tetris.randomizers.history_6rolls_35bag' local MarathonA3Game = GameMode:extend() = "Marathon A3" MarathonA3Game.hash = "MarathonA3" MarathonA3Game.tagline = "The game gets faster way more quickly! Can you get all the Section COOLs?" function MarathonA3Game:new() MarathonA3Game.super:new() self.speed_level = 0 self.roll_frames = 0 self.combo = 1 self.grade = 0 self.grade_points = 0 self.roll_points = 0 self.grade_point_decay_counter = 0 self.section_cool_grade = 0 self.section_status = { [0] = "none" } self.section_start_time = 0 self.section_70_times = { [0] = 0 } self.section_times = { [0] = 0 } self.randomizer = History6RollsRandomizer() self.lock_drop = true self.lock_hard_drop = true self.enable_hold = true self.next_queue_length = 3 end function MarathonA3Game:getARE() if self.speed_level < 700 then return 27 elseif self.speed_level < 800 then return 18 elseif self.speed_level < 1000 then return 14 elseif self.speed_level < 1100 then return 8 elseif self.speed_level < 1200 then return 7 else return 6 end end function MarathonA3Game:getLineARE() if self.speed_level < 600 then return 27 elseif self.speed_level < 700 then return 18 elseif self.speed_level < 800 then return 14 elseif self.speed_level < 1100 then return 8 elseif self.speed_level < 1200 then return 7 else return 6 end end function MarathonA3Game:getDasLimit() if self.speed_level < 500 then return 15 elseif self.speed_level < 900 then return 9 else return 7 end end function MarathonA3Game:getLineClearDelay() if self.speed_level < 500 then return 40 elseif self.speed_level < 600 then return 25 elseif self.speed_level < 700 then return 16 elseif self.speed_level < 800 then return 12 else return 6 end end function MarathonA3Game:getLockDelay() if self.speed_level < 900 then return 30 elseif self.speed_level < 1100 then return 17 else return 15 end end function MarathonA3Game:getGravity() if (self.speed_level < 30) then return 4/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 35) then return 6/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 40) then return 8/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 50) then return 10/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 60) then return 12/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 70) then return 16/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 80) then return 32/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 90) then return 48/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 100) then return 64/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 120) then return 80/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 140) then return 96/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 160) then return 112/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 170) then return 128/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 200) then return 144/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 220) then return 4/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 230) then return 32/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 233) then return 64/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 236) then return 96/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 239) then return 128/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 243) then return 160/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 247) then return 192/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 251) then return 224/256 elseif (self.speed_level < 300) then return 1 elseif (self.speed_level < 330) then return 2 elseif (self.speed_level < 360) then return 3 elseif (self.speed_level < 400) then return 4 elseif (self.speed_level < 420) then return 5 elseif (self.speed_level < 450) then return 4 elseif (self.speed_level < 500) then return 3 else return 20 end end function MarathonA3Game:advanceOneFrame() if self.clear then self.roll_frames = self.roll_frames + 1 if self.roll_frames < 0 then if self.roll_frames + 1 == 0 then switchBGM("credit_roll", "gm3") end return elseif self.roll_frames > 3238 then if self:qualifiesForMRoll() then self.roll_points = self.roll_points + 160 else self.roll_points = self.roll_points + 50 end switchBGM(nil) self.completed = true end elseif self.ready_frames == 0 then self.frames = self.frames + 1 end return true end function MarathonA3Game:onPieceEnter() if (self.level % 100 ~= 99) and self.level ~= 998 and self.frames ~= 0 then self:updateSectionTimes(self.level, self.level + 1) self.level = self.level + 1 self.speed_level = self.speed_level + 1 end end local cleared_row_levels = {1, 2, 4, 6} function MarathonA3Game:onLineClear(cleared_row_count) local advanced_levels = cleared_row_levels[cleared_row_count] self:updateSectionTimes(self.level, self.level + advanced_levels) if not self.clear then self.level = math.min(self.level + advanced_levels, 999) end self.speed_level = self.speed_level + advanced_levels if self.level == 999 and not self.clear then self.clear = true self.grid:clear() self.roll_frames = -150 end end local cool_cutoffs = { sp(0,52), sp(0,52), sp(0,49), sp(0,45), sp(0,45), sp(0,42), sp(0,42), sp(0,38), sp(0,38), } local regret_cutoffs = { sp(0,90), sp(0,75), sp(0,75), sp(0,68), sp(0,60), sp(0,60), sp(0,50), sp(0,50), sp(0,50), sp(0,50), } function MarathonA3Game:updateSectionTimes(old_level, new_level) if self.clear then return end local section = math.floor(old_level / 100) + 1 if math.floor(old_level / 100) < math.floor(new_level / 100) or new_level >= 999 then -- record new section section_time = self.frames - self.section_start_time table.insert(self.section_times, section_time) self.section_start_time = self.frames if section_time > regret_cutoffs[section] then self.section_cool_grade = self.section_cool_grade - 1 table.insert(self.section_status, "regret") elseif section <= 9 and self.section_status[section - 1] == "cool" and self.section_70_times[section] < self.section_70_times[section - 1] + 1000 then self.section_cool_grade = self.section_cool_grade + 1 self.speed_level = self.speed_level + 100 table.insert(self.section_status, "cool") elseif self.section_status[section - 1] == "cool" then table.insert(self.section_status, "none") elseif section <= 9 and self.section_70_times[section] < cool_cutoffs[section] then self.section_cool_grade = self.section_cool_grade + 1 self.speed_level = self.speed_level + 100 table.insert(self.section_status, "cool") else table.insert(self.section_status, "none") end elseif section <= 9 and old_level % 100 < 70 and new_level % 100 >= 70 then -- record section 70 time section_70_time = self.frames - self.section_start_time table.insert(self.section_70_times, section_70_time) end end function MarathonA3Game:updateScore(level, drop_bonus, cleared_lines) self:updateGrade(cleared_lines) if cleared_lines > 0 then self.score = self.score + ( (math.ceil((level + cleared_lines) / 4) + drop_bonus) * cleared_lines * (cleared_lines * 2 - 1) * (self.combo * 2 - 1) ) self.lines = self.lines + cleared_lines self.combo = self.combo + cleared_lines - 1 else self.drop_bonus = 0 self.combo = 1 end end local grade_point_bonuses = { {10, 20, 40, 50}, {10, 20, 30, 40}, {10, 20, 30, 40}, {10, 15, 30, 40}, {10, 15, 20, 40}, {5, 15, 20, 30}, {5, 10, 20, 30}, {5, 10, 15, 30}, {5, 10, 15, 30}, {5, 10, 15, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, {2, 12, 13, 30}, } local grade_point_decays = { 125, 80, 80, 50, 45, 45, 45, 40, 40, 40, 40, 40, 30, 30, 30, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 15, 10, 10 } local combo_multipliers = { {1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0}, {1.0, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5}, {1.0, 1.2, 1.5, 1.8}, {1.0, 1.4, 1.6, 2.0}, {1.0, 1.4, 1.7, 2.2}, {1.0, 1.4, 1.8, 2.3}, {1.0, 1.4, 1.9, 2.4}, {1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 2.5}, {1.0, 1.5, 2.1, 2.6}, {1.0, 2.0, 2.5, 3.0}, } local roll_points = {4, 8, 12, 26} local mroll_points = {10, 20, 30, 100} local grade_conversion = { [0] = 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 5, 6, 6, 7, 7, 7, 8, 8, 8, 9, 9, 9, 10, 11, 12, 12, 12, 12, 13, 13, 14, 14, 15, 15, 16, 16, 17 } function MarathonA3Game:updateGrade(cleared_lines) if cleared_lines == 0 then self.grade_point_decay_counter = self.grade_point_decay_counter + 1 if self.grade_point_decay_counter >= grade_point_decays[self.grade + 1] then self.grade_point_decay_counter = 0 self.grade_points = math.max(0, self.grade_points - 1) end else if self.clear then if self:qualifiesForMRoll() then self.roll_points = self.roll_points + mroll_points[cleared_lines] else self.roll_points = self.roll_points + roll_points[cleared_lines] end else self.grade_points = self.grade_points + ( math.ceil( grade_point_bonuses[self.grade + 1][cleared_lines] * combo_multipliers[math.min(self.combo, 10)][cleared_lines] ) * (1 + math.floor(self.level / 250)) ) if self.grade_points >= 100 and self.grade < 31 then self.grade_points = 0 self.grade = self.grade + 1 end end end end function MarathonA3Game:qualifiesForMRoll() return self.grade >= 27 and self.section_cool_grade >= 9 end function MarathonA3Game:getAggregateGrade() return self.section_cool_grade + math.floor(self.roll_points / 100) + grade_conversion[self.grade] end local master_grades = { "M", "MK", "MV", "MO", "MM" } function MarathonA3Game:getLetterGrade() local grade = self:getAggregateGrade() if grade < 9 then return tostring(9 - grade) elseif grade < 18 then return "S" .. tostring(grade - 8) elseif grade < 27 then return "M" .. tostring(grade - 17) elseif grade < 32 then return master_grades[grade - 26] else return "GM" end end function MarathonA3Game:drawGrid() if self.clear and not (self.completed or self.game_over) then if self:qualifiesForMRoll() then self.grid:drawInvisible(self.mRollOpacityFunction) else self.grid:drawInvisible(self.rollOpacityFunction) end else self.grid:draw() if self.piece ~= nil and self.level < 100 then self:drawGhostPiece(ruleset) end end end MarathonA3Game.rollOpacityFunction = function(age) if age < 240 then return 1 elseif age > 300 then return 0 else return 1 - (age - 240) / 60 end end MarathonA3Game.mRollOpacityFunction = function(age) if age > 4 then return 0 else return 1 - age / 4 end end function MarathonA3Game:drawScoringInfo(), 1, 1, 1) self.das.direction .. " " .. self.das.frames .. " " .. st(self.prev_inputs) )"NEXT", 64, 40, 40, "left")"GRADE", 240, 120, 40, "left")"SCORE", 240, 200, 40, "left")"LEVEL", 240, 320, 40, "left") -- draw section time data current_section = math.floor(self.level / 100) + 1 section_x = 530 section_70_x = 440 for section, time in pairs(self.section_times) do if section > 0 then, section_x, 40 + 20 * section, 90, "left") end end for section, time in pairs(self.section_70_times) do if section > 0 then, section_70_x, 40 + 20 * section, 90, "left") end end local current_x if table.getn(self.section_times) < table.getn(self.section_70_times) then current_x = section_x else current_x = section_70_x end - self.section_start_time), current_x, 40 + 20 * current_section, 90, "left"), 240, 220, 90, "left"), 240, 140, 90, "left"), 240, 340, 40, "right"), 240, 370, 40, "right"), 64, 420, 160, "center") end function MarathonA3Game:getHighscoreData() return { grade = self:getAggregateGrade(), level = self.level, frames = self.frames, } end function MarathonA3Game:getSectionEndLevel() if self.level > 900 then return 999 else return math.floor(self.level / 100 + 1) * 100 end end function MarathonA3Game:getBackground() return math.floor(self.level / 100) end return MarathonA3Game