local GameScene = Scene:extend() GameScene.title = "Game" require 'load.save' function GameScene:new(game_mode, ruleset, inputs) self.retry_mode = game_mode self.retry_ruleset = ruleset self.secret_inputs = inputs self.game = game_mode(self.secret_inputs) self.ruleset = ruleset(self.game) self.game:initialize(self.ruleset) self.inputs = { left=false, right=false, up=false, down=false, rotate_left=false, rotate_left2=false, rotate_right=false, rotate_right2=false, rotate_180=false, hold=false, } self.paused = false DiscordRPC:update({ details = self.game.rpc_details, state = self.game.name, }) end function GameScene:update() if love.window.hasFocus() and not self.paused then local inputs = {} for input, value in pairs(self.inputs) do inputs[input] = value end self.game:update(inputs, self.ruleset) self.game.grid:update() end end function GameScene:render() love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) love.graphics.draw( backgrounds[self.game:getBackground()], 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5 ) -- game frame if self.game.grid.width == 10 and self.game.grid.height == 24 then love.graphics.draw(misc_graphics["frame"], 48, 64) end love.graphics.setColor(0, 0, 0, 200) love.graphics.rectangle( "fill", 64, 80, 16 * self.game.grid.width, 16 * (self.game.grid.height - 4) ) if self.game.grid.width ~= 10 or self.game.grid.height ~= 24 then love.graphics.setColor(174/255, 83/255, 76/255, 1) love.graphics.setLineWidth(8) love.graphics.line( 60,76, 68+16*self.game.grid.width,76, 68+16*self.game.grid.width,84+16*(self.game.grid.height-4), 60,84+16*(self.game.grid.height-4), 60,76 ) love.graphics.setColor(203/255, 137/255, 111/255, 1) love.graphics.setLineWidth(4) love.graphics.line( 60,76, 68+16*self.game.grid.width,76, 68+16*self.game.grid.width,84+16*(self.game.grid.height-4), 60,84+16*(self.game.grid.height-4), 60,76 ) love.graphics.setLineWidth(1) end self.game:drawGrid() if self.game.lcd > 0 then self.game:drawLineClearAnimation() end self.game:drawPiece() self.game:drawNextQueue(self.ruleset) self.game:drawScoringInfo() -- ready/go graphics if self.game.ready_frames <= 100 and self.game.ready_frames > 52 then love.graphics.draw(misc_graphics["ready"], 144 - 50, 240 - 14) elseif self.game.ready_frames <= 50 and self.game.ready_frames > 2 then love.graphics.draw(misc_graphics["go"], 144 - 27, 240 - 14) end self.game:drawCustom() love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_2) if config.gamesettings.display_gamemode == 1 then love.graphics.printf(self.game.name .. " - " .. self.ruleset.name, 0, 460, 640, "left") end love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_3) if self.paused then love.graphics.print("PAUSED!", 80, 100) end if self.game.completed then self.game:onGameComplete() elseif self.game.game_over then self.game:onGameOver() end end function GameScene:onInputPress(e) if (self.game.game_over or self.game.completed) and (e.input == "menu_decide" or e.input == "menu_back" or e.input == "retry") then highscore_entry = self.game:getHighscoreData() highscore_hash = self.game.hash .. "-" .. self.ruleset.hash submitHighscore(highscore_hash, highscore_entry) self.game:onExit() scene = e.input == "retry" and GameScene(self.retry_mode, self.retry_ruleset, self.secret_inputs) or ModeSelectScene() elseif e.input == "retry" then switchBGM(nil) self.game:onExit() scene = GameScene(self.retry_mode, self.retry_ruleset, self.secret_inputs) elseif e.input == "pause" and not (self.game.game_over or self.game.completed) then self.paused = not self.paused if self.paused then pauseBGM() else resumeBGM() end elseif e.input == "menu_back" then scene = ModeSelectScene() elseif e.input and string.sub(e.input, 1, 5) ~= "menu_" then self.inputs[e.input] = true end end function GameScene:onInputRelease(e) if e.input and string.sub(e.input, 1, 5) ~= "menu_" then self.inputs[e.input] = false end end function submitHighscore(hash, data) if not highscores[hash] then highscores[hash] = {} end table.insert(highscores[hash], data) saveHighscores() end return GameScene