function love.load() math.randomseed(os.time()) highscores = {} require "load.rpc" require "" require "load.fonts" require "load.sounds" require "load.bgm" require "" loadSave() require "scene" config["side_next"] = false config["reverse_rotate"] = true config["fullscreen"] = false love.window.setMode(,, {resizable = true}); if not config.gamesettings then config.gamesettings = {} end for _, option in ipairs(GameConfigScene.options) do if not config.gamesettings[option[1]] then config.gamesettings[option[1]] = 1 end end if not config.input then scene = InputConfigScene() else if config.current_mode then current_mode = config.current_mode end if config.current_ruleset then current_ruleset = config.current_ruleset end scene = TitleScene() end game_modes = {} mode_list = love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems("tetris/modes") for i=1,#mode_list do if(mode_list[i] ~= "gamemode.lua" and mode_list[i] ~= "unrefactored_modes") then game_modes[#game_modes+1] = require ("tetris.modes."..string.sub(mode_list[i],1,-5)) end end rulesets = {} rule_list = love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems("tetris/rulesets") for i=1,#rule_list do if(rule_list[i] ~= "ruleset.lua" and rule_list[i] ~= "unrefactored_rulesets") then rulesets[#rulesets+1] = require ("tetris.rulesets."..string.sub(rule_list[i],1,-5)) end end --sort mode/rule lists local function padnum(d) return ("%03d%s"):format(#d, d) end table.sort(game_modes, function(a,b) return tostring("%d+",padnum) < tostring("%d+",padnum) end) table.sort(rulesets, function(a,b) return tostring("%d+",padnum) < tostring("%d+",padnum) end) end local TARGET_FPS = 60 local SAMPLE_SIZE = 60 local rolling_samples = {} local rolling_total = 0 local average_n = 0 local frame = 0 function getSmoothedDt(dt) rolling_total = rolling_total + dt frame = frame + 1 if frame > SAMPLE_SIZE then frame = frame - SAMPLE_SIZE end if average_n == SAMPLE_SIZE then rolling_total = rolling_total - rolling_samples[frame] else average_n = average_n + 1 end rolling_samples[frame] = dt return rolling_total / average_n end local update_time = 0.52 function love.update(dt) processBGMFadeout(dt) local old_update_time = update_time update_time = update_time + getSmoothedDt(dt) * TARGET_FPS updates = 0 while (update_time >= 1.02) do scene:update() updates = updates + 1 update_time = update_time - 1 end if math.abs(update_time - old_update_time) < 0.02 then update_time = old_update_time end end function love.draw() -- get offset matrix"linear", "nearest") local width = local height = local scale_factor = math.min(width / 640, height / 480) (width - scale_factor * 640) / 2, (height - scale_factor * 480) / 2 ) scene:render() end function love.keypressed(key, scancode) -- global hotkeys if scancode == "f4" then config["fullscreen"] = not config["fullscreen"] love.window.setFullscreen(config["fullscreen"]) -- reserved keys, so the user can always get back to configure input elseif scancode == "return" then scene:onInputPress({input="menu_decide", type="key", key=key, scancode=scancode}) elseif scancode == "escape" then scene:onInputPress({input="menu_back", type="key", key=key, scancode=scancode}) elseif scancode == "left" or scancode == "right" or scancode == "up" or scancode == "down" then scene:onInputPress({input=scancode, type="key", key=key, scancode=scancode}) -- other keys can be configured else local input_pressed = nil if config.input and config.input.keys then input_pressed = config.input.keys[scancode] end scene:onInputPress({input=input_pressed, type="key", key=key, scancode=scancode}) end end function love.keyreleased(key, scancode) -- reserved keys, so the user can always get back to configure input if scancode == "return" then scene:onInputRelease({input="menu_decide", type="key", key=key, scancode=scancode}) elseif scancode == "escape" then scene:onInputRelease({input="menu_back", type="key", key=key, scancode=scancode}) elseif scancode == "left" or scancode == "right" or scancode == "up" or scancode == "down" then scene:onInputRelease({input=scancode, type="key", key=key, scancode=scancode}) -- other keys can be configured else local input_released = nil if config.input and config.input.keys then input_released = config.input.keys[scancode] end scene:onInputRelease({input=input_released, type="key", key=key, scancode=scancode}) end end function love.joystickpressed(joystick, button) local input_pressed = nil if config.input and config.input.joysticks and config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()] and config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].buttons then input_pressed = config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].buttons[button] end scene:onInputPress({input=input_pressed, type="joybutton", name=joystick:getName(), button=button}) end function love.joystickreleased(joystick, button) local input_released = nil if config.input and config.input.joysticks and config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()] and config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].buttons then input_released = config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].buttons[button] end scene:onInputRelease({input=input_released, type="joybutton", name=joystick:getName(), button=button}) end function love.joystickaxis(joystick, axis, value) local input_pressed = nil local positive_released = nil local negative_released = nil if config.input and config.input.joysticks and config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()] and config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].axes and config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].axes[axis] then if math.abs(value) >= 0.5 then input_pressed = config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].axes[axis][value >= 0.5 and "positive" or "negative"] end positive_released = config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].axes[axis].positive negative_released = config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].axes[axis].negative end if math.abs(value) >= 0.5 then scene:onInputPress({input=input_pressed, type="joyaxis", name=joystick:getName(), axis=axis, value=value}) else scene:onInputRelease({input=positive_released, type="joyaxis", name=joystick:getName(), axis=axis, value=value}) scene:onInputRelease({input=negative_released, type="joyaxis", name=joystick:getName(), axis=axis, value=value}) end end function love.joystickhat(joystick, hat, direction) local input_pressed = nil local has_hat = false if config.input and config.input.joysticks and config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()] and config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].hats and config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].hats[hat] then if direction ~= "c" then input_pressed = config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].hats[hat][direction] end has_hat = true end if input_pressed then scene:onInputPress({input=input_pressed, type="joyhat", name=joystick:getName(), hat=hat, direction=direction}) elseif has_hat then for i, direction in ipairs{"d", "l", "ld", "lu", "r", "rd", "ru", "u"} do scene:onInputRelease({input=config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].hats[hat][direction], type="joyhat", name=joystick:getName(), hat=hat, direction=direction}) end elseif direction ~= "c" then scene:onInputPress({input=nil, type="joyhat", name=joystick:getName(), hat=hat, direction=direction}) else for i, direction in ipairs{"d", "l", "ld", "lu", "r", "rd", "ru", "u"} do scene:onInputRelease({input=nil, type="joyhat", name=joystick:getName(), hat=hat, direction=direction}) end end end function love.focus(f) if f then resumeBGM() else pauseBGM() end end