local StickConfigScene = Scene:extend() StickConfigScene.title = "Joystick Config" require 'load.save' local configurable_inputs = { "menu_decide", "menu_back", "left", "right", "up", "down", "rotate_left", "rotate_left2", "rotate_right", "rotate_right2", "rotate_180", "hold", "retry", "pause", } local function newSetInputs() local set_inputs = {} for i, input in ipairs(configurable_inputs) do set_inputs[input] = false end return set_inputs end function StickConfigScene:new() self.input_state = 1 self.set_inputs = newSetInputs() self.new_input = {} self.axis_timer = 0 DiscordRPC:update({ details = "In menus", state = "Changing joystick config", }) end function StickConfigScene:update() end function StickConfigScene:render() love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) love.graphics.draw( backgrounds["input_config"], 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5 ) love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_2) for i, input in ipairs(configurable_inputs) do love.graphics.printf(input, 40, 50 + i * 20, 200, "left") if self.set_inputs[input] then love.graphics.printf(self.set_inputs[input], 240, 50 + i * 20, 300, "left") end end if self.input_state > table.getn(configurable_inputs) then love.graphics.print("press enter to confirm, delete/backspace to retry" .. (config.input and ", escape to cancel" or "")) else love.graphics.print("press joystick input for " .. configurable_inputs[self.input_state] .. ", tab to skip" .. (config.input and ", escape to cancel" or ""), 0, 0) end self.axis_timer = self.axis_timer + 1 end local function addJoystick(input, name) if not input[name] then input[name] = {} end end function StickConfigScene:onInputPress(e) if e.type == "key" then -- function keys, escape, and tab are reserved and can't be remapped if e.scancode == "escape" then scene = InputConfigScene() elseif self.input_state > table.getn(configurable_inputs) then if e.scancode == "return" then -- save new input, then load next scene config.input.joysticks = self.new_input saveConfig() scene = InputConfigScene() elseif e.scancode == "delete" or e.scancode == "backspace" then -- retry self.input_state = 1 self.set_inputs = newSetInputs() self.new_input = {} end elseif e.scancode == "tab" then self.set_inputs[configurable_inputs[self.input_state]] = "skipped" self.input_state = self.input_state + 1 end elseif string.sub(e.type, 1, 3) == "joy" then if self.input_state <= table.getn(configurable_inputs) then if e.type == "joybutton" then addJoystick(self.new_input, e.name) if not self.new_input[e.name].buttons then self.new_input[e.name].buttons = {} end self.set_inputs[configurable_inputs[self.input_state]] = "jbtn " .. e.button .. " " .. string.sub(e.name, 1, 10) .. (string.len(e.name) > 10 and "..." or "") self.new_input[e.name].buttons[e.button] = configurable_inputs[self.input_state] self.input_state = self.input_state + 1 elseif e.type == "joyaxis" then if (e.axis ~= self.last_axis or self.axis_timer > 30) and e.value >= 1 then addJoystick(self.new_input, e.name) if not self.new_input[e.name].axes then self.new_input[e.name].axes = {} end if not self.new_input[e.name].axes[e.axis] then self.new_input[e.name].axes[e.axis] = {} end self.set_inputs[configurable_inputs[self.input_state]] = "jaxis " .. e.axis .. " " .. string.sub(e.name, 1, 10) .. (string.len(e.name) > 10 and "..." or "") self.new_input[e.name].axes[e.axis]["positive"] = configurable_inputs[self.input_state] self.input_state = self.input_state + 1 self.last_axis = e.axis self.axis_timer = 0 end elseif e.type == "joyhat" then if e.direction ~= "c" then addJoystick(self.new_input, e.name) if not self.new_input[e.name].hats then self.new_input[e.name].hats = {} end if not self.new_input[e.name].hats[e.hat] then self.new_input[e.name].hats[e.hat] = {} end self.set_inputs[configurable_inputs[self.input_state]] = "jhat " .. e.hat .. " " .. e.direction .. " " .. string.sub(e.name, 1, 10) .. (string.len(e.name) > 10 and "..." or "") self.new_input[e.name].hats[e.hat][e.direction] = configurable_inputs[self.input_state] self.input_state = self.input_state + 1 end end end end end return StickConfigScene