local ReplaySelectScene = Scene:extend() ReplaySelectScene.title = "Replays" local binser = require 'libs.binser' current_replay = 1 function ReplaySelectScene:new() -- reload custom modules initModules() -- load replays replays = {} replay_file_list = love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems("replays") for i=1,#replay_file_list do replays[i] = binser.deserialize(love.filesystem.read("replays/"..replay_file_list[i])) end -- TODO sort replays list if table.getn(replays) == 0 then self.display_warning = true current_replay = 1 else self.display_warning = false if current_replay > table.getn(replays) then current_replay = 1 end end self.menu_state = { replay = current_replay, } self.secret_inputs = {} self.das = 0 DiscordRPC:update({ details = "In menus", state = "Choosing a replay", largeImageKey = "ingame-000" }) end function ReplaySelectScene:update() switchBGM(nil) -- experimental if self.das_up or self.das_down then self.das = self.das + 1 else self.das = 0 end if self.das >= 15 then self:changeOption(self.das_up and -1 or 1) self.das = self.das - 4 end DiscordRPC:update({ details = "In menus", state = "Choosing a replay", largeImageKey = "ingame-000" }) end function ReplaySelectScene:render() love.graphics.draw( backgrounds[0], 0, 0, 0, 0.5, 0.5 ) -- Same graphic as mode select love.graphics.draw(misc_graphics["select_mode"], 20, 40) if self.display_warning then love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_3) love.graphics.printf( "You have no replays.", 80, 200, 480, "center" ) love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_2) love.graphics.printf( "Come back to this menu after playing some games. " .. "Press any button to return to the main menu.", 80, 250, 480, "center" ) return end love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 0.5) love.graphics.rectangle("fill", 20, 258, 240, 22) love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_2) for idx, replay in pairs(replays) do if(idx >= self.menu_state.replay-9 and idx <= self.menu_state.replay+9) then local display_string = replay["mode"].." "..replay["ruleset"].." "..replay["timer"].." "..replay["level"].." "..os.date("%c", replay["timestamp"]) love.graphics.printf(display_string, 40, (260 - 20*(self.menu_state.replay)) + 20 * idx, 200, "left") end end end function ReplaySelectScene:onInputPress(e) if self.display_warning and e.input then scene = TitleScene() elseif e.type == "wheel" then if e.x % 2 == 1 then self:switchSelect() end if e.y ~= 0 then self:changeOption(-e.y) end elseif e.input == "menu_decide" or e.scancode == "return" then current_replay = self.menu_state.replay -- Same as mode decide playSE("mode_decide") scene = ReplayScene( replays[self.menu_state.replay], self.secret_inputs ) elseif e.input == "up" or e.scancode == "up" then self:changeOption(-1) self.das_up = true self.das_down = nil elseif e.input == "down" or e.scancode == "down" then self:changeOption(1) self.das_down = true self.das_up = nil elseif e.input == "menu_back" or e.scancode == "delete" or e.scancode == "backspace" then scene = TitleScene() elseif e.input then self.secret_inputs[e.input] = true end end function ReplaySelectScene:onInputRelease(e) if e.input == "up" or e.scancode == "up" then self.das_up = nil elseif e.input == "down" or e.scancode == "down" then self.das_down = nil elseif e.input then self.secret_inputs[e.input] = false end end function ReplaySelectScene:changeOption(rel) local len = table.getn(replays) self.menu_state.replay = Mod1(self.menu_state.replay + rel, len) playSE("cursor") end return ReplaySelectScene