local Object = require 'libs.classic' require 'funcs' local playedReadySE = false local playedGoSE = false local Grid = require 'tetris.components.grid' local Randomizer = require 'tetris.randomizers.randomizer' local GameMode = Object:extend() GameMode.rollOpacityFunction = function(age) return 0 end function GameMode:new() self.grid = Grid() self.randomizer = Randomizer() self.piece = nil self.ready_frames = 100 self.frames = 0 self.game_over_frames = 0 self.score = 0 self.level = 0 self.lines = 0 self.drop_bonus = 0 self.are = 0 self.lcd = 0 self.das = { direction = "none", frames = -1 } self.move = "none" self.prev_inputs = {} self.next_queue = {} self.game_over = false self.clear = false self.completed = false -- configurable parameters self.lock_drop = false self.lock_hard_drop = false self.instant_hard_drop = false self.instant_soft_drop = true self.enable_hold = false self.enable_hard_drop = true self.next_queue_length = 1 self.additive_gravity = true self.draw_section_times = false self.draw_secondary_section_times = false self.big_mode = false self.irs = true self.ihs = true self.rpc_details = "In game" -- variables related to configurable parameters self.drop_locked = false self.hard_drop_locked = false self.lock_on_soft_drop = false self.lock_on_hard_drop = false self.hold_queue = nil self.held = false self.section_start_time = 0 self.section_times = { [0] = 0 } self.secondary_section_times = { [0] = 0 } end function GameMode:getARR() return 1 end function GameMode:getDropSpeed() return 1 end function GameMode:getARE() return 25 end function GameMode:getLineARE() return 25 end function GameMode:getLockDelay() return 30 end function GameMode:getLineClearDelay() return 40 end function GameMode:getDasLimit() return 15 end function GameMode:getNextPiece(ruleset) return { skin = "2tie", shape = self.randomizer:nextPiece(), orientation = ruleset:getDefaultOrientation(), } end function GameMode:initialize(ruleset) -- generate next queue self:new() for i = 1, self.next_queue_length do table.insert(self.next_queue, self:getNextPiece(ruleset)) end self.lock_on_soft_drop = ({ruleset.softdrop_lock, self.instant_soft_drop, false, true })[config.gamesettings.manlock] self.lock_on_hard_drop = ({ruleset.harddrop_lock, self.instant_hard_drop, true, false})[config.gamesettings.manlock] end function GameMode:update(inputs, ruleset) if self.game_over then self.game_over_frames = self.game_over_frames + 1 if self.game_over_frames >= 60 then self.completed = true end return end if self.completed then return end -- advance one frame if self:advanceOneFrame(inputs) == false then return end self:chargeDAS(inputs, self:getDasLimit(), self.getARR()) -- set attempt flags if inputs["left"] or inputs["right"] then self:onAttemptPieceMove(self.piece) end if inputs["rotate_left"] or inputs["rotate_right"] or inputs["rotate_left2"] or inputs["rotate_right2"] or inputs["rotate_180"] then self:onAttemptPieceRotate(self.piece) end if self.piece == nil then self:processDelays(inputs, ruleset) else -- perform active frame actions such as fading out the next queue self:whilePieceActive() local gravity = self:getGravity() if self.enable_hold and inputs["hold"] == true and self.held == false and self.prev_inputs["hold"] == false then self:hold(inputs, ruleset) self.prev_inputs = inputs return end if self.lock_drop and inputs["down"] ~= true then self.drop_locked = false end if self.lock_hard_drop and inputs["up"] ~= true then self.hard_drop_locked = false end local piece_y = self.piece.position.y ruleset:processPiece( inputs, self.piece, self.grid, self:getGravity(), self.prev_inputs, self.move, self:getLockDelay(), self:getDropSpeed(), self.drop_locked, self.hard_drop_locked, self.enable_hard_drop, self.additive_gravity ) local piece_dy = self.piece.position.y - piece_y if inputs["up"] == true and self.piece:isDropBlocked(self.grid) and not self.hard_drop_locked then self:onHardDrop(piece_dy) if self.lock_on_hard_drop then self.piece.locked = true end end if inputs["down"] == true then self:onSoftDrop(piece_dy) if self.piece:isDropBlocked(self.grid) and not self.drop_locked and self.lock_on_soft_drop then self.piece.locked = true end end if self.piece.locked == true then self.grid:applyPiece(self.piece) self.grid:markClearedRows() local cleared_row_count = self.grid:getClearedRowCount() self:onPieceLock(self.piece, cleared_row_count) self:updateScore(self.level, self.drop_bonus, cleared_row_count) self.piece = nil if self.enable_hold then self.held = false end if cleared_row_count > 0 then playSE("erase") self.lcd = self:getLineClearDelay() self.are = self:getLineARE() if self.lcd == 0 then self.grid:clearClearedRows() if self.are == 0 then self:initializeOrHold(inputs, ruleset) end end self:onLineClear(cleared_row_count) else if self:getARE() == 0 then self:initializeOrHold(inputs, ruleset) else self.are = self:getARE() end end end end self.prev_inputs = inputs end function GameMode:updateScore() end function GameMode:advanceOneFrame() if self.clear then self.completed = true elseif self.ready_frames == 0 then self.frames = self.frames + 1 end end -- event functions function GameMode:whilePieceActive() end function GameMode:onAttemptPieceMove(piece) end function GameMode:onAttemptPieceRotate(piece) end function GameMode:onPieceLock(piece, cleared_row_count) playSE("lock") end function GameMode:onLineClear(cleared_row_count) end function GameMode:onPieceEnter() end function GameMode:onHold() playSE("hold") end function GameMode:onSoftDrop(dropped_row_count) self.drop_bonus = self.drop_bonus + 1 * dropped_row_count end function GameMode:onHardDrop(dropped_row_count) self.drop_bonus = self.drop_bonus + 2 * dropped_row_count end function GameMode:onGameOver() switchBGM(nil) end -- DAS functions function GameMode:startRightDAS() self.move = "right" self.das = { direction = "right", frames = 0 } if self:getDasLimit() == 0 then self:continueDAS() end end function GameMode:startLeftDAS() self.move = "left" self.das = { direction = "left", frames = 0 } if self:getDasLimit() == 0 then self:continueDAS() end end function GameMode:continueDAS() local das_frames = self.das.frames + 1 if das_frames >= self:getDasLimit() then if self.das.direction == "left" then self.move = (self:getARR() == 0 and "speed" or "") .. "left" self.das.frames = self:getDasLimit() - self:getARR() elseif self.das.direction == "right" then self.move = (self:getARR() == 0 and "speed" or "") .. "right" self.das.frames = self:getDasLimit() - self:getARR() end else self.move = "none" self.das.frames = das_frames end end function GameMode:stopDAS() self.move = "none" self.das = { direction = "none", frames = -1 } end function GameMode:chargeDAS(inputs) if config["das_last_key"] then if inputs["right"] == true and self.das.direction ~= "right" and not self.prev_inputs["right"] then self:startRightDAS() elseif inputs["left"] == true and self.das.direction ~= "left" and not self.prev_inputs["left"] then self:startLeftDAS() elseif inputs[self.das.direction] == true then self:continueDAS() else self:stopDAS() end else -- default behaviour, das first key pressed if inputs[self.das.direction] == true then self:continueDAS() elseif inputs["right"] == true then self:startRightDAS() elseif inputs["left"] == true then self:startLeftDAS() else self:stopDAS() end end end function GameMode:processDelays(inputs, ruleset, drop_speed) if self.ready_frames == 100 then playedReadySE = false playedGoSE = false end if self.ready_frames > 0 then if not playedReadySE then playedReadySE = true playSEOnce("ready") end self.ready_frames = self.ready_frames - 1 if self.ready_frames == 50 and not playedGoSE then playedGoSE = true playSEOnce("go") end if self.ready_frames == 0 then self:initializeOrHold(inputs, ruleset) end elseif self.lcd > 0 then self.lcd = self.lcd - 1 if ruleset.are_cancel and (self.move == "none" and not self.prev_inputs["up"] and not self.prev_inputs["rotate_left"] and not self.prev_inputs["rotate_left2"] and not self.prev_inputs["rotate_right"] and not self.prev_inputs["rotate_right2"] and not self.prev_inputs["rotate_180"]) and (inputs["left"] or inputs["right"] or inputs["up"] or inputs["rotate_left"] or inputs["rotate_left2"] or inputs["rotate_right"] or inputs["rotate_right2"] or inputs["rotate_180"]) then self.lcd = 0 self.are = 0 end if self.lcd == 0 then self.grid:clearClearedRows() playSE("fall") if self.are == 0 then self:initializeOrHold(inputs, ruleset) end end elseif self.are > 0 then self.are = self.are - 1 if ruleset.are_cancel and (self.move == "none" and not self.prev_inputs["up"] and not self.prev_inputs["rotate_left"] and not self.prev_inputs["rotate_left2"] and not self.prev_inputs["rotate_right"] and not self.prev_inputs["rotate_right2"] and not self.prev_inputs["rotate_180"]) and (inputs["left"] or inputs["right"] or inputs["up"] or inputs["rotate_left"] or inputs["rotate_left2"] or inputs["rotate_right"] or inputs["rotate_right2"] or inputs["rotate_180"]) then self.are = 0 end if self.are == 0 then self:initializeOrHold(inputs, ruleset) end end end function GameMode:initializeOrHold(inputs, ruleset) if self.ihs and self.enable_hold and inputs["hold"] == true then self:hold(inputs, ruleset) else self:initializeNextPiece(inputs, ruleset, self.next_queue[1]) end self:onPieceEnter() if not self.grid:canPlacePiece(self.piece) then self:onGameOver() self.game_over = true end end function GameMode:hold(inputs, ruleset) local data = copy(self.hold_queue) if self.piece == nil then self.hold_queue = self.next_queue[1] table.remove(self.next_queue, 1) table.insert(self.next_queue, self:getNextPiece(ruleset)) else self.hold_queue = { skin = self.piece.skin, shape = self.piece.shape, orientation = ruleset:getDefaultOrientation(), } end if data == nil then self:initializeNextPiece(inputs, ruleset, self.next_queue[1]) else self:initializeNextPiece(inputs, ruleset, data, false) end self.held = true self:onHold() end function GameMode:initializeNextPiece(inputs, ruleset, piece_data, generate_next_piece) local gravity = self:getGravity() self.piece = ruleset:initializePiece( inputs, piece_data, self.grid, gravity, self.prev_inputs, self.move, self:getLockDelay(), self:getDropSpeed(), self.lock_drop, self.lock_hard_drop, self.big_mode, self.irs ) if self.lock_drop then self.drop_locked = true end if self.lock_hard_drop then self.hard_drop_locked = true end if generate_next_piece == nil then table.remove(self.next_queue, 1) table.insert(self.next_queue, self:getNextPiece(ruleset)) end self:playNextSound() end function GameMode:playNextSound() playSE("blocks", self.next_queue[1].shape) end function GameMode:getHighScoreData() return { score = self.score } end function GameMode:drawPiece() if self.piece ~= nil then self.piece:draw( 1, self:getLockDelay() == 0 and 1 or (0.25 + 0.75 * math.max(1 - self.piece.gravity, 1 - (self.piece.lock_delay / self:getLockDelay()))), self.grid ) end end function GameMode:drawGhostPiece(ruleset) if self.piece == nil then return end local ghost_piece = self.piece:withOffset({x=0, y=0}) ghost_piece.ghost = true ghost_piece:dropToBottom(self.grid) ghost_piece:draw(0.5) end function GameMode:drawNextQueue(ruleset) local colourscheme = ({ruleset.colourscheme, ColourSchemes.Arika, ColourSchemes.TTC})[config.gamesettings.piece_colour] function drawPiece(piece, skin, offsets, pos_x, pos_y) for index, offset in pairs(offsets) do local x = offset.x + ruleset.spawn_positions[piece].x local y = offset.y + 4.7 love.graphics.draw(blocks[skin][colourscheme[piece]], pos_x+x*16, pos_y+y*16) end end for i = 1, self.next_queue_length do self:setNextOpacity(i) local next_piece = self.next_queue[i].shape local skin = self.next_queue[i].skin local rotation = self.next_queue[i].orientation if config.side_next then -- next at side drawPiece(next_piece, skin, ruleset.block_offsets[next_piece][rotation], 192, -16+i*48) else -- next at top drawPiece(next_piece, skin, ruleset.block_offsets[next_piece][rotation], -16+i*80, -32) end end if self.hold_queue ~= nil then local hold_color = self.held and 0.6 or 1 self:setHoldOpacity(1, hold_color) drawPiece( self.hold_queue.shape, self.hold_queue.skin, ruleset.block_offsets[self.hold_queue.shape][self.hold_queue.orientation], -16, -32 ) end return false end function GameMode:setNextOpacity(i, j) i = i ~= nil and i or 1 j = j ~= nil and j or 1 love.graphics.setColor(j, j, j, i) end function GameMode:setHoldOpacity(i, j) i = i ~= nil and i or 1 j = j ~= nil and j or 1 love.graphics.setColor(j, j, j, i) end function GameMode:drawScoringInfo() love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_2) if config["side_next"] then love.graphics.printf("NEXT", 240, 72, 40, "left") else love.graphics.printf("NEXT", 64, 40, 40, "left") end love.graphics.print( self.das.direction .. " " .. self.das.frames .. " " .. strTrueValues(self.prev_inputs) .. self.drop_bonus ) love.graphics.setFont(font_8x11) love.graphics.printf(formatTime(self.frames), 64, 420, 160, "center") end function GameMode:drawSectionTimes(current_section) local section_x = 530 for section, time in pairs(self.section_times) do if section > 0 then love.graphics.printf(formatTime(time), section_x, 40 + 20 * section, 90, "left") end end love.graphics.printf(formatTime(self.frames - self.section_start_time), section_x, 40 + 20 * current_section, 90, "left") end function GameMode:drawSectionTimesWithSecondary(current_section) local section_x = 530 local section_secondary_x = 440 for section, time in pairs(self.section_times) do if section > 0 then love.graphics.printf(formatTime(time), section_x, 40 + 20 * section, 90, "left") end end for section, time in pairs(self.secondary_section_times) do if section > 0 then love.graphics.printf(formatTime(time), section_secondary_x, 40 + 20 * section, 90, "left") end end local current_x if table.getn(self.section_times) < table.getn(self.secondary_section_times) then current_x = section_x else current_x = section_secondary_x end love.graphics.printf(formatTime(self.frames - self.section_start_time), current_x, 40 + 20 * current_section, 90, "left") end function GameMode:drawSectionTimesWithSplits(current_section) local section_x = 440 local split_x = 530 local split_time = 0 for section, time in pairs(self.section_times) do if section > 0 then love.graphics.printf(formatTime(time), section_x, 40 + 20 * section, 90, "left") split_time = split_time + time love.graphics.printf(formatTime(split_time), split_x, 40 + 20 * section, 90, "left") end end love.graphics.printf(formatTime(self.frames - self.section_start_time), section_x, 40 + 20 * current_section, 90, "left") love.graphics.printf(formatTime(self.frames), split_x, 40 + 20 * current_section, 90, "left") end function GameMode:drawCustom() end return GameMode