function love.load() math.randomseed(os.time()) highscores = {} require "load.rpc" require "" require "load.fonts" require "load.sounds" require "load.bgm" require "" require "load.bigint" require "load.version" loadSave() require "funcs" require "scene" --config["side_next"] = false --config["reverse_rotate"] = true --config["das_last_key"] = false --config["fullscreen"] = false runsystem = { drawfps = 0, updatefps = 0, updatedelta = 0, showperformancestatistics = false } love.window.setMode(,, {resizable = true}); -- used for screenshots GLOBAL_CANVAS = -- init config initConfig() love.window.setFullscreen(config["fullscreen"]) if config.secret then playSE("welcome") end -- import custom modules initModules() end function initModules() game_modes = {} mode_list = love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems("tetris/modes") for i=1,#mode_list do if(mode_list[i] ~= "gamemode.lua" and string.sub(mode_list[i], -4) == ".lua") then game_modes[#game_modes+1] = require ("tetris.modes."..string.sub(mode_list[i],1,-5)) end end rulesets = {} rule_list = love.filesystem.getDirectoryItems("tetris/rulesets") for i=1,#rule_list do if(rule_list[i] ~= "ruleset.lua" and string.sub(rule_list[i], -4) == ".lua") then rulesets[#rulesets+1] = require ("tetris.rulesets."..string.sub(rule_list[i],1,-5)) end end --sort mode/rule lists local function padnum(d) return ("%03d%s"):format(#d, d) end table.sort(game_modes, function(a,b) return tostring("%d+",padnum) < tostring("%d+",padnum) end) table.sort(rulesets, function(a,b) return tostring("%d+",padnum) < tostring("%d+",padnum) end) end function love.draw() -- get offset matrix"linear", "nearest") local width = local height = local scale_factor = math.min(width / 640, height / 480) (width - scale_factor * 640) / 2, (height - scale_factor * 480) / 2 ) scene:render() if runsystem.showperformancestatistics then, 1, 1, 1)'u='..tostring(runsystem.updatefps).. '\nd='..tostring(runsystem.drawfps).. '\ndel='..tostring(runsystem.updatedelta), 0, 0) end,1,1,1) end function love.keypressed(key, scancode) -- global hotkeys if scancode == "f4" then config["fullscreen"] = not config["fullscreen"] saveConfig() love.window.setFullscreen(config["fullscreen"]) elseif scancode == "f2" and scene.title ~= "Input Config" and scene.title ~= "Game" then scene = InputConfigScene() switchBGM(nil) -- secret sound playing :eyes: elseif scancode == "f8" and scene.title == "Title" then config.secret = not config.secret saveConfig() scene.restart_message = true if config.secret then playSE("mode_decide") else playSE("erase") end -- f12 is reserved for saving screenshots elseif scancode == "f12" then local ss_name ="ss/%Y-%m-%d_%H-%M-%S.png") local info = love.filesystem.getInfo("ss", "directory") if not info then love.filesystem.remove("ss") love.filesystem.createDirectory("ss") end print("Saving screenshot as "..ss_name) GLOBAL_CANVAS:newImageData():encode("png", ss_name) -- F9 toggles performance statistics for the new runsystem elseif scancode == "f9" then runsystem.showperformancestatistics = not runsystem.showperformancestatistics -- function keys are reserved elseif string.match(scancode, "^f[1-9]$") or string.match(scancode, "^f[1-9][0-9]+$") then return -- escape is reserved for menu_back elseif scancode == "escape" then scene:onInputPress({input="menu_back", type="key", key=key, scancode=scancode}) -- pass any other key to the scene, with its configured mapping else local input_pressed = nil if config.input and config.input.keys then input_pressed = config.input.keys[scancode] end scene:onInputPress({input=input_pressed, type="key", key=key, scancode=scancode}) end end function love.keyreleased(key, scancode) -- escape is reserved for menu_back if scancode == "escape" then scene:onInputRelease({input="menu_back", type="key", key=key, scancode=scancode}) -- function keys are reserved elseif string.match(scancode, "^f[1-9]$") or string.match(scancode, "^f[1-9][0-9]+$") then return -- handle all other keys; tab is reserved, but the input config scene keeps it from getting configured as a game input, so pass tab to the scene here else local input_released = nil if config.input and config.input.keys then input_released = config.input.keys[scancode] end scene:onInputRelease({input=input_released, type="key", key=key, scancode=scancode}) end end function love.joystickpressed(joystick, button) local input_pressed = nil if config.input and config.input.joysticks and config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()] and config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].buttons then input_pressed = config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].buttons[button] end scene:onInputPress({input=input_pressed, type="joybutton", name=joystick:getName(), button=button}) end function love.joystickreleased(joystick, button) local input_released = nil if config.input and config.input.joysticks and config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()] and config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].buttons then input_released = config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].buttons[button] end scene:onInputRelease({input=input_released, type="joybutton", name=joystick:getName(), button=button}) end function love.joystickaxis(joystick, axis, value) local input_pressed = nil local positive_released = nil local negative_released = nil if config.input and config.input.joysticks and config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()] and config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].axes and config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].axes[axis] then if math.abs(value) >= 1 then input_pressed = config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].axes[axis][value >= 1 and "positive" or "negative"] end positive_released = config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].axes[axis].positive negative_released = config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].axes[axis].negative end if math.abs(value) >= 1 then scene:onInputPress({input=input_pressed, type="joyaxis", name=joystick:getName(), axis=axis, value=value}) else scene:onInputRelease({input=positive_released, type="joyaxis", name=joystick:getName(), axis=axis, value=value}) scene:onInputRelease({input=negative_released, type="joyaxis", name=joystick:getName(), axis=axis, value=value}) end end local last_hat_direction = "" local directions = { ["u"] = "up", ["d"] = "down", ["l"] = "left", ["r"] = "right", } function love.joystickhat(joystick, hat, direction) local input_pressed = nil local has_hat = false if config.input and config.input.joysticks and config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()] and config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].hats and config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].hats[hat] then if direction ~= "c" then input_pressed = config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].hats[hat][direction] end has_hat = true end if input_pressed then for i = 1, #direction do local char = direction:sub(i, i) local _, count = last_hat_direction:gsub(char, char) if count == 0 then scene:onInputPress({input=config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].hats[hat][char], type="joyhat", name=joystick:getName(), hat=hat, direction=char}) end end for i = 1, #last_hat_direction do local char = last_hat_direction:sub(i, i) local _, count = direction:gsub(char, char) if count == 0 then scene:onInputRelease({input=config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].hats[hat][char], type="joyhat", name=joystick:getName(), hat=hat, direction=char}) end end last_hat_direction = direction elseif has_hat then for i, direction in ipairs{"d", "l", "ld", "lu", "r", "rd", "ru", "u"} do scene:onInputRelease({input=config.input.joysticks[joystick:getName()].hats[hat][direction], type="joyhat", name=joystick:getName(), hat=hat, direction=direction}) end last_hat_direction = "" elseif direction ~= "c" then for i = 1, #direction do local char = direction:sub(i, i) local _, count = last_hat_direction:gsub(char, char) if count == 0 then scene:onInputPress({input=directions[char], type="joyhat", name=joystick:getName(), hat=hat, direction=char}) end end for i = 1, #last_hat_direction do local char = last_hat_direction:sub(i, i) local _, count = direction:gsub(char, char) if count == 0 then scene:onInputRelease({input=directions[char], type="joyhat", name=joystick:getName(), hat=hat, direction=char}) end end last_hat_direction = direction else for i, direction in ipairs{"d", "l", "ld", "lu", "r", "rd", "ru", "u"} do scene:onInputRelease({input=nil, type="joyhat", name=joystick:getName(), hat=hat, direction=direction}) end last_hat_direction = "" end end function love.focus(f) if f and (scene.title ~= "Game" or not scene.paused) then resumeBGM() else pauseBGM() end end function love.resize(w, h) GLOBAL_CANVAS:release() GLOBAL_CANVAS =, h) end local TARGET_FPS = 60 --[[ -- OLD RUN CODE BELOW function if love.load then love.load(love.arg.parseGameArguments(arg), arg) end if love.timer then love.timer.step() end local dt = 0 local last_time = love.timer.getTime() local time_accumulator = 0 return function() if love.event then love.event.pump() for name, a,b,c,d,e,f in love.event.poll() do if name == "quit" then if not love.quit or not love.quit() then return a or 0 end end love.handlers[name](a,b,c,d,e,f) end end if love.timer then processBGMFadeout(love.timer.step()) end if scene and scene.update and love.timer then scene:update() local frame_duration = 1.0 / TARGET_FPS if time_accumulator < frame_duration then if and and love.draw then love.draw() end local end_time = last_time + frame_duration local time = love.timer.getTime() while time < end_time do love.timer.sleep(0.001) time = love.timer.getTime() end time_accumulator = time_accumulator + time - last_time end time_accumulator = time_accumulator - frame_duration end last_time = love.timer.getTime() end end ]] function -- New Run system -- by rin -- aims to speedup the responsiveness of the game by -- only updating 60 times per second, but letting -- it poll as fast as it wants if not love.timer then error('new run system requires love.timer to function.') end if love.load then love.load(love.arg.parseGameArguments(arg), arg) end if love.timer then love.timer.step() end local tacc = 0 local start_time = love.timer.getTime() return function() if love.event then love.event.pump() for n, a, b, c, d, e, f in love.event.poll() do if n == 'quit' then if not love.quit or not love.quit() then return a or 0 end end love.handlers[n](a, b, c, d, e, f) end end if love.timer then processBGMFadeout(love.timer.step()) end local ut = love.timer.getTime() runsystem.updatedelta = ut - start_time runsystem.updatefps = 1 / (ut - start_time) if scene and scene.update and love.timer then local delta = ut - start_time start_time = ut tacc = tacc + delta if tacc >= 1 / TARGET_FPS then runsystem.drawfps = 1 / tacc tacc = 0 scene:update() if and and love.draw then love.draw() end end end end end