local Object = require 'libs.classic' local Piece = require 'tetris.components.piece' local Ruleset = Object:extend() Ruleset.name = "" Ruleset.hash = "" -- Arika-type ruleset defaults Ruleset.world = false Ruleset.colourscheme = { I = "R", L = "O", J = "B", S = "M", Z = "G", O = "Y", T = "C", } Ruleset.softdrop_lock = true Ruleset.harddrop_lock = false Ruleset.enable_IRS_wallkicks = false Ruleset.are_cancel = false Ruleset.are = true Ruleset.spawn_above_field = false Ruleset.next_sounds = { I = "I", L = "L", J = "J", S = "S", Z = "Z", O = "O", T = "T" } -- Component functions. function Ruleset:new(game_mode) self.game = game_mode local bones if config.gamesettings.piece_colour == 1 then bones = self.world and "w" or "" else bones = config.gamesettings.piece_colour == 3 and "w" or "" end for colour in pairs(blocks["2tie"]) do blocks.bone[colour] = love.graphics.newImage( "res/img/bone" .. bones .. ".png" ) end end function Ruleset:rotatePiece(inputs, piece, grid, prev_inputs, initial) local new_inputs = {} for input, value in pairs(inputs) do if value and not prev_inputs[input] then new_inputs[input] = true end end local was_drop_blocked = piece:isDropBlocked(grid) if self:canPieceRotate(piece, grid) then self:attemptRotate(new_inputs, piece, grid, initial) end if not initial and not was_drop_blocked and piece:isDropBlocked(grid) then playSE("bottom") end -- prev_inputs becomes the previous inputs for input, value in pairs(inputs) do prev_inputs[input] = inputs[input] end end function Ruleset:attemptRotate(new_inputs, piece, grid, initial) local rot_dir = 0 if (new_inputs["rotate_left"] or new_inputs["rotate_left2"]) then rot_dir = 3 elseif (new_inputs["rotate_right"] or new_inputs["rotate_right2"]) then rot_dir = 1 elseif (new_inputs["rotate_180"]) then rot_dir = self:get180RotationValue() end if rot_dir == 0 then return end if config.gamesettings.world_reverse == 3 or (self.world and config.gamesettings.world_reverse == 2) then rot_dir = 4 - rot_dir end local new_piece = piece:withRelativeRotation(rot_dir) if (grid:canPlacePiece(new_piece)) then piece:setRelativeRotation(rot_dir) self:onPieceRotate(piece, grid) playSE("rotate") else if not(initial and self.enable_IRS_wallkicks == false) then self:attemptWallkicks(piece, new_piece, rot_dir, grid) end playSE("kick") end end function Ruleset:attemptWallkicks(piece, new_piece, rot_dir, grid) -- do nothing in default ruleset end function Ruleset:movePiece(piece, grid, move, instant) if not self:canPieceMove(piece, grid) then return end local was_drop_blocked = piece:isDropBlocked(grid) local offset = ({x=0, y=0}) local moves = 0 local y = piece.position.y if move == "left" then offset.x = -1 moves = 1 elseif move == "right" then offset.x = 1 moves = 1 elseif move == "speedleft" then offset.x = -1 moves = grid.width elseif move == "speedright" then offset.x = 1 moves = grid.width end for i = 1, moves do local x = piece.position.x if moves ~= 1 then piece:moveInGrid(offset, 1, grid, instant) else piece:moveInGrid(offset, 1, grid, false) end if piece.position.x ~= x then self:onPieceMove(piece, grid) if piece.locked then break end end end if not was_drop_blocked and piece:isDropBlocked(grid) then playSE("bottom") end if instant and piece.position.y ~= y then self:onPieceDrop(piece, grid) end end function Ruleset:dropPiece( inputs, piece, grid, gravity, drop_speed, drop_locked, hard_drop_locked, hard_drop_enabled, additive_gravity, classic_lock ) local y = piece.position.y if inputs["up"] == true and hard_drop_enabled == true then if hard_drop_locked == true or piece:isDropBlocked(grid) then piece:addGravity(gravity, grid, classic_lock) else piece:dropToBottom(grid) end elseif inputs["down"] == true and drop_locked == false then if additive_gravity then piece:addGravity(gravity + drop_speed, grid, classic_lock) else piece:addGravity(math.max(gravity, drop_speed), grid, classic_lock) end else piece:addGravity(gravity, grid, classic_lock) end if piece.position.y ~= y then self:onPieceDrop(piece, grid) end end function Ruleset:lockPiece(piece, grid, lock_delay, classic_lock) if piece:isDropBlocked(grid) and ( (classic_lock and piece.gravity >= 1) or (not classic_lock and piece.lock_delay >= lock_delay) ) then piece.locked = true end end function Ruleset:get180RotationValue() return 2 end function Ruleset:getDefaultOrientation() return 1 end function Ruleset:getDrawOffset(shape, orientation) return { x=0, y=0 } end function Ruleset:getAboveFieldOffset(shape, orientation) if shape == "I" then return 1 else return 2 end end function Ruleset:initializePiece( inputs, data, grid, gravity, prev_inputs, move, lock_delay, drop_speed, drop_locked, hard_drop_locked, big, irs ) local spawn_positions if big then spawn_positions = self.big_spawn_positions else spawn_positions = self.spawn_positions end local colours if table.equalvalues( table.keys(self.colourscheme), {"I", "J", "L", "O", "S", "T", "Z"} ) then colours = ({self.colourscheme, ColourSchemes.Arika, ColourSchemes.TTC})[config.gamesettings.piece_colour] else colours = self.colourscheme end local spawn_x = math.floor(spawn_positions[data.shape].x * grid.width / 10) local spawn_dy if (config.gamesettings.spawn_positions == 1) then spawn_dy = ( self.spawn_above_field and self:getAboveFieldOffset(data.shape, data.orientation) or 0 ) else spawn_dy = ( config.gamesettings.spawn_positions == 3 and self:getAboveFieldOffset(data.shape, data.orientation) or 0 ) end local piece = Piece(data.shape, data.orientation - 1, { x = spawn_x, y = spawn_positions[data.shape].y - spawn_dy }, self.block_offsets, 0, 0, data.skin, colours[data.shape], big) self:onPieceCreate(piece) if irs then self:rotatePiece(inputs, piece, grid, {}, true) if (data.orientation - 1) ~= piece.rotation then playSE("irs") end end return piece end -- stuff like move count, rotate count, floorkick count go here function Ruleset:onPieceCreate(piece) end function Ruleset:processPiece( inputs, piece, grid, gravity, prev_inputs, move, lock_delay, drop_speed, drop_locked, hard_drop_locked, hard_drop_enabled, additive_gravity, classic_lock ) local synchroes_allowed = ({not self.world, true, false})[config.gamesettings.synchroes_allowed] if synchroes_allowed then self:rotatePiece(inputs, piece, grid, prev_inputs, false) self:movePiece(piece, grid, move, gravity >= grid.height - 4) else self:movePiece(piece, grid, move, gravity >= grid.height - 4) self:rotatePiece(inputs, piece, grid, prev_inputs, false) end self:dropPiece( inputs, piece, grid, gravity, drop_speed, drop_locked, hard_drop_locked, hard_drop_enabled, additive_gravity, classic_lock ) self:lockPiece(piece, grid, lock_delay, classic_lock) end function Ruleset:canPieceMove(piece, grid) return true end function Ruleset:canPieceRotate(piece, grid) return true end function Ruleset:onPieceMove(piece) end function Ruleset:onPieceRotate(piece) end function Ruleset:onPieceDrop(piece) end return Ruleset