local Sequence = require 'tetris.randomizers.fixed_sequence' local ReplayScene = Scene:extend() ReplayScene.title = "Replay" function ReplayScene:new(replay, game_mode, ruleset) config.gamesettings = replay["gamesettings"] if replay["delayed_auto_shift"] then config.das = replay["delayed_auto_shift"] end if replay["auto_repeat_rate"] then config.arr = replay["auto_repeat_rate"] end if replay["das_cut_delay"] then config.dcd = replay["das_cut_delay"] end love.math.setRandomSeed(replay["random_low"], replay["random_high"]) love.math.setRandomState(replay["random_state"]) self.retry_replay = replay self.retry_mode = game_mode self.retry_ruleset = ruleset self.secret_inputs = replay["secret_inputs"] self.game = game_mode(self.secret_inputs) self.game.save_replay = false self.ruleset = ruleset(self.game) self.game:initialize(self.ruleset) self.inputs = { left=false, right=false, up=false, down=false, rotate_left=false, rotate_left2=false, rotate_right=false, rotate_right2=false, rotate_180=false, hold=false, } self.paused = false self.game.pause_count = replay["pause_count"] self.game.pause_time = replay["pause_time"] self.replay = deepcopy(replay) self.replay_index = 1 self.replay_speed = 1 self.show_invisible = false DiscordRPC:update({ details = "Viewing a replay", state = self.game.name, largeImageKey = "ingame-"..self.game:getBackground().."00" }) end function ReplayScene:update() local frames_left = self.replay_speed if not self.paused then while frames_left > 0 do frames_left = frames_left - 1 self.inputs = self.replay["inputs"][self.replay_index]["inputs"] self.replay["inputs"][self.replay_index]["frames"] = self.replay["inputs"][self.replay_index]["frames"] - 1 if self.replay["inputs"][self.replay_index]["frames"] == 0 and self.replay_index < table.getn(self.replay["inputs"]) then self.replay_index = self.replay_index + 1 end local input_copy = {} for input, value in pairs(self.inputs) do input_copy[input] = value end self.game:update(input_copy, self.ruleset) self.game.grid:update() end DiscordRPC:update({ details = "Viewing a replay", state = self.game.name, largeImageKey = "ingame-"..self.game:getBackground().."00" }) end end function ReplayScene:render() self.game:draw(self.paused) love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_3) love.graphics.printf("REPLAY", 0, 0, 635, "right") local pauses_y_coordinate = 23 if self.replay_speed > 1 then pauses_y_coordinate = pauses_y_coordinate + 20 love.graphics.printf(self.replay_speed.."X", 0, 20, 635, "right") end love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_2) if self.game.pause_time and self.game.pause_count then if self.game.pause_time > 0 or self.game.pause_count > 0 then love.graphics.printf(string.format( "%d PAUSE%s (%s)", self.game.pause_count, self.game.pause_count == 1 and "" or "S", formatTime(self.game.pause_time) ), 0, pauses_y_coordinate, 635, "right") end else love.graphics.printf("?? PAUSES (--:--.--)", 0, pauses_y_coordinate, 635, "right") end if self.show_invisible then self.game.grid:draw() love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_3) love.graphics.printf("SHOW INVIS", 64, 60, 160, "center") end end function ReplayScene:onInputPress(e) if ( e.input == "menu_back" or e.input == "menu_decide" or e.input == "retry" ) then switchBGM(nil) pitchBGM(1) self.game:onExit() loadSave() love.math.setRandomSeed(os.time()) scene = ( (e.input == "retry") and ReplayScene( self.retry_replay, self.retry_mode, self.retry_ruleset, self.secret_inputs ) or ReplaySelectScene() ) elseif e.input == "pause" and not (self.game.game_over or self.game.completed) then self.paused = not self.paused if self.paused then pauseBGM() else resumeBGM() end elseif e.input == "left" then self.replay_speed = self.replay_speed - 1 if self.replay_speed < 1 then self.replay_speed = 1 end pitchBGM(self.replay_speed) elseif e.input == "right" then self.replay_speed = self.replay_speed + 1 if self.replay_speed > 99 then self.replay_speed = 99 end pitchBGM(self.replay_speed) elseif e.input == "hold" then self.show_invisible = not self.show_invisible end end return ReplayScene