local Object = require 'libs.classic' local Grid = Object:extend() local empty = { skin = "", colour = "" } local oob = { skin = "", colour = "" } local block = { skin = "2tie", colour = "X" } function Grid:new() self.grid = {} self.grid_age = {} for y = 1, 24 do self.grid[y] = {} self.grid_age[y] = {} for x = 1, 10 do self.grid[y][x] = empty self.grid_age[y][x] = 0 end end end function Grid:clear() for y = 1, 24 do for x = 1, 10 do self.grid[y][x] = empty self.grid_age[y][x] = 0 end end end function Grid:getCell(x, y) if x < 1 or x > 10 or y > 24 then return oob elseif y < 1 then return empty else return self.grid[y][x] end end function Grid:isOccupied(x, y) return self:getCell(x+1, y+1) ~= empty end function Grid:isRowFull(row) for index, square in pairs(self.grid[row]) do if square == empty then return false end end return true end function Grid:canPlacePiece(piece) if piece.big then return self:canPlaceBigPiece(piece) end local offsets = piece:getBlockOffsets() for index, offset in pairs(offsets) do local x = piece.position.x + offset.x local y = piece.position.y + offset.y if self:isOccupied(x, y) then return false end end return true end function Grid:canPlaceBigPiece(piece) local offsets = piece:getBlockOffsets() for index, offset in pairs(offsets) do local x = piece.position.x + offset.x local y = piece.position.y + offset.y if ( self:isOccupied(x * 2 + 0, y * 2 + 0) or self:isOccupied(x * 2 + 1, y * 2 + 0) or self:isOccupied(x * 2 + 0, y * 2 + 1) or self:isOccupied(x * 2 + 1, y * 2 + 1) ) then return false end end return true end function Grid:canPlacePieceInVisibleGrid(piece) if piece.big then return self:canPlaceBigPiece(piece) -- forget canPlaceBigPieceInVisibleGrid for now end local offsets = piece:getBlockOffsets() for index, offset in pairs(offsets) do local x = piece.position.x + offset.x local y = piece.position.y + offset.y if y < 4 or self:isOccupied(x, y) ~= empty then return false end end return true end function Grid:getClearedRowCount() local count = 0 for row = 1, 24 do if self:isRowFull(row) then count = count + 1 end end return count end function Grid:markClearedRows() for row = 1, 24 do if self:isRowFull(row) then for x = 1, 10 do self.grid[row][x] = { skin = self.grid[row][x].skin, colour = "X" } end end end return true end function Grid:clearClearedRows() for row = 1, 24 do if self:isRowFull(row) then for above_row = row, 2, -1 do self.grid[above_row] = self.grid[above_row - 1] self.grid_age[above_row] = self.grid_age[above_row - 1] end self.grid[1] = {empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty} self.grid_age[1] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} end end return true end function Grid:copyBottomRow() for row = 1, 23 do self.grid[row] = self.grid[row+1] self.grid_age[row] = self.grid_age[row+1] end self.grid[24] = {empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty} self.grid_age[24] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} for col = 1, 10 do self.grid[24][col] = (self.grid[23][col] == empty) and empty or block end return true end function Grid:garbageRise(row_vals) for row = 1, 23 do self.grid[row] = self.grid[row+1] self.grid_age[row] = self.grid_age[row+1] end self.grid[24] = {empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty, empty} self.grid_age[24] = {0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0} for col = 1, 10 do self.grid[24][col] = (row_vals[col] == "e") and empty or block end end function Grid:applyFourWide() for row = 1, 24 do local x = self.grid[row] x[1] = x[1]~=block and block or x[1] x[2] = x[2]~=block and block or x[2] x[3] = x[3]~=block and block or x[3] x[8] = x[8]~=block and block or x[8] x[9] = x[9]~=block and block or x[9] x[10] = x[10]~=block and block or x[10] end end function Grid:applyPiece(piece) if piece.big then self:applyBigPiece(piece) return end offsets = piece:getBlockOffsets() for index, offset in pairs(offsets) do x = piece.position.x + offset.x y = piece.position.y + offset.y if y + 1 > 0 then self.grid[y+1][x+1] = { skin = piece.skin, colour = piece.colour } end end end function Grid:applyBigPiece(piece) offsets = piece:getBlockOffsets() for index, offset in pairs(offsets) do x = piece.position.x + offset.x y = piece.position.y + offset.y for a = 1, 2 do for b = 1, 2 do if y*2+a > 0 then self.grid[y*2+a][x*2+b] = { skin = piece.skin, colour = piece.colour } end end end end end function Grid:checkForBravo(cleared_row_count) for i = 0, 23 - cleared_row_count do for j = 0, 9 do if self:isOccupied(j, i) then return false end end end return true end function Grid:checkSecretGrade() local sgrade = 0 for i=23,5,-1 do local validLine = true local emptyCell = 0 if i > 13 then emptyCell = 23-i end if i <= 13 then emptyCell = i-5 end for j=0,9 do if (not self:isOccupied(j,i) and j ~= emptyCell) or (j == emptyCell and self:isOccupied(j,i)) then validLine = false end end if not self:isOccupied(emptyCell,i-1) then validLine = false end if(validLine) then sgrade = sgrade + 1 else return sgrade end end --[[ if(sgrade == 0) then return "" elseif(sgrade < 10) then return 10-sgrade elseif(sgrade < 19) then return "S"..(sgrade-9) end return "GM" --]] return sgrade end function Grid:update() for y = 1, 24 do for x = 1, 10 do if self.grid[y][x] ~= empty then self.grid_age[y][x] = self.grid_age[y][x] + 1 end end end end function Grid:draw() for y = 5, 24 do for x = 1, 10 do if self.grid[y][x] ~= empty then if self.grid_age[y][x] < 1 then love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) love.graphics.draw(blocks[self.grid[y][x].skin]["F"], 48+x*16, y*16) else love.graphics.setColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1) love.graphics.draw(blocks[self.grid[y][x].skin][self.grid[y][x].colour], 48+x*16, y*16) end if self.grid[y][x].skin ~= "bone" then love.graphics.setColor(0.8, 0.8, 0.8, 1) love.graphics.setLineWidth(1) if y > 1 and self.grid[y-1][x] == empty then love.graphics.line(48.0+x*16, -0.5+y*16, 64.0+x*16, -0.5+y*16) end if y < 24 and self.grid[y+1][x] == empty then love.graphics.line(48.0+x*16, 16.5+y*16, 64.0+x*16, 16.5+y*16) end if x > 1 and self.grid[y][x-1] == empty then love.graphics.line(47.5+x*16, -0.0+y*16, 47.5+x*16, 16.0+y*16) end if x < 10 and self.grid[y][x+1] == empty then love.graphics.line(64.5+x*16, -0.0+y*16, 64.5+x*16, 16.0+y*16) end end end end end end function Grid:drawInvisible(opacity_function, garbage_opacity_function) for y = 5, 24 do for x = 1, 10 do if self.grid[y][x] ~= empty then if self.grid[y][x].colour == "X" then opacity = 1 elseif garbage_opacity_function and self.grid[y][x].colour == "G" then opacity = garbage_opacity_function(self.grid_age[y][x]) else opacity = opacity_function(self.grid_age[y][x]) end love.graphics.setColor(0.5, 0.5, 0.5, opacity) love.graphics.draw(blocks[self.grid[y][x].skin][self.grid[y][x].colour], 48+x*16, y*16) if opacity > 0 and self.grid[y][x].colour ~= "X" then love.graphics.setColor(0.64, 0.64, 0.64) love.graphics.setLineWidth(1) if y > 1 and self.grid[y-1][x] == empty then love.graphics.line(48.0+x*16, -0.5+y*16, 64.0+x*16, -0.5+y*16) end if y < 24 and self.grid[y+1][x] == empty then love.graphics.line(48.0+x*16, 16.5+y*16, 64.0+x*16, 16.5+y*16) end if x > 1 and self.grid[y][x-1] == empty then love.graphics.line(47.5+x*16, -0.0+y*16, 47.5+x*16, 16.0+y*16) end if x < 10 and self.grid[y][x+1] == empty then love.graphics.line(64.5+x*16, -0.0+y*16, 64.5+x*16, 16.0+y*16) end end end end end end return Grid