Changed reserved keys (arrows are no longer reserved) and now F2 always gets to the input config except when in-game.

nightmareci 2020-11-10 14:37:59 -08:00
parent e1dc01d0d0
commit fd739dcfdf
3 changed files with 29 additions and 37 deletions

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@ -114,14 +114,15 @@ function love.keypressed(key, scancode)
if scancode == "f4" then
config["fullscreen"] = not config["fullscreen"]
-- reserved keys, so the user can always get back to configure input
elseif scancode == "return" then
scene:onInputPress({input="menu_decide", type="key", key=key, scancode=scancode})
elseif scancode == "f2" and scene.title ~= "Input Config" and scene.title ~= "Game" then
scene = InputConfigScene()
-- function keys are reserved
elseif string.match(scancode, "^f[1-9]$") or string.match(scancode, "^f[1-9][0-9]+$") then
-- escape is reserved for menu_back
elseif scancode == "escape" then
scene:onInputPress({input="menu_back", type="key", key=key, scancode=scancode})
elseif scancode == "left" or scancode == "right" or scancode == "up" or scancode == "down" then
scene:onInputPress({input=scancode, type="key", key=key, scancode=scancode})
-- other keys can be configured
-- pass any other key to the scene, with its configured mapping
local input_pressed = nil
if config.input and config.input.keys then
@ -132,14 +133,13 @@ function love.keypressed(key, scancode)
function love.keyreleased(key, scancode)
-- reserved keys, so the user can always get back to configure input
if scancode == "return" then
scene:onInputRelease({input="menu_decide", type="key", key=key, scancode=scancode})
elseif scancode == "escape" then
-- escape is reserved for menu_back
if scancode == "escape" then
scene:onInputRelease({input="menu_back", type="key", key=key, scancode=scancode})
elseif scancode == "left" or scancode == "right" or scancode == "up" or scancode == "down" then
scene:onInputRelease({input=scancode, type="key", key=key, scancode=scancode})
-- other keys can be configured
-- function keys are reserved
elseif string.match(scancode, "^f[1-9]$") or string.match(scancode, "^f[1-9][0-9]+$") then
-- handle all other keys; tab is reserved, but the input config scene keeps it from getting configured as a game input, so pass tab to the scene here
local input_released = nil
if config.input and config.input.keys then

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@ -1,4 +1,7 @@
local GameScene = Scene:extend()
GameScene.title = "Game"
require ''
function GameScene:new(game_mode, ruleset)

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@ -61,7 +61,7 @@ function ConfigScene:render()"press enter to confirm, delete/backspace to retry" .. (config.input and ", escape to cancel" or ""))
else"press key or joystick input for " .. configurable_inputs[self.input_state] .. ", tab to skip" .. (config.input and ", escape to cancel" or ""), 0, 0)"enter, delete, backspace, tab, arrows, and escape can't be changed", 0, 20)"function keys (F1, F2, etc.), escape, and tab can't be changed", 0, 20)
@ -76,8 +76,9 @@ end
function ConfigScene:onInputPress(e)
if e.type == "key" then
-- enter, delete, backspace, tab, arrows, and escape are reserved and can't be remapped
-- function keys, escape, and tab are reserved and can't be remapped
if e.scancode == "escape" and config.input then
-- cancel only if there was an input config already
scene = TitleScene()
elseif self.input_state > table.getn(configurable_inputs) then
if e.scancode == "return" then
@ -90,30 +91,18 @@ function ConfigScene:onInputPress(e)
self.input_state = 1
self.set_inputs = newSetInputs()
self.new_input = {}
elseif e.scancode == "escape" and config.input then
-- cancel only if there was an input config already
scene = TitleScene()
e.scancode ~= "delete" and
e.scancode ~= "backspace" and
e.scancode ~= "return" and
e.scancode ~= "left" and
e.scancode ~= "right" and
e.scancode ~= "up" and
e.scancode ~= "down"
if e.scancode == "tab" then
self.set_inputs[configurable_inputs[self.input_state]] = "skipped"
self.input_state = self.input_state + 1
if not self.new_input.keys then
self.new_input.keys = {}
self.set_inputs[configurable_inputs[self.input_state]] = "key " .. love.keyboard.getKeyFromScancode(e.scancode) .. " (" .. e.scancode .. ")"
self.new_input.keys[e.scancode] = configurable_inputs[self.input_state]
self.input_state = self.input_state + 1
elseif e.scancode == "tab" then
self.set_inputs[configurable_inputs[self.input_state]] = "skipped"
self.input_state = self.input_state + 1
elseif e.scancode ~= "escape" then
-- all other keys can be configured
if not self.new_input.keys then
self.new_input.keys = {}
self.set_inputs[configurable_inputs[self.input_state]] = "key " .. love.keyboard.getKeyFromScancode(e.scancode) .. " (" .. e.scancode .. ")"
self.new_input.keys[e.scancode] = configurable_inputs[self.input_state]
self.input_state = self.input_state + 1
elseif string.sub(e.type, 1, 3) == "joy" then
if self.input_state <= table.getn(configurable_inputs) then