local SRS = require 'tetris.rulesets.ti_srs' local KRS = SRS:extend() KRS.name = "K.R.S." KRS.hash = "KRS" KRS.colourscheme = { I = "M", L = "R", J = "C", S = "O", Z = "B", O = "Y", T = "G", } KRS.wallkicks_3x3 = { [0]={ [1]={{-1,0},{-1,-1}}, [2]={{0,-1},{0,-2}}, [3]={{1,0},{1,-1}}, }, [1]={ [0]={{1,0},{1,1}}, [2]={{1,0},{1,-1}}, [3]={{1,0},{2,0}}, }, [2]={ [0]={{0,1},{0,2}}, [1]={{-1,0},{-1,1}}, [3]={{1,0},{1,1}}, }, [3]={ [0]={{-1,0},{-1,1}}, [1]={{-1,0},{-2,0}}, [2]={{-1,0},{-1,-1}}, }, } KRS.wallkicks_line = { [0]={ [1]={{-1,0},{-1,-1},{1,0},{1,1}}, [2]={{0,-1},{0,-2}}, [3]={{1,0},{1,-1},{-1,0},{-1,1}}, }, [1]={ [0]={{1,0},{1,1},{-1,0},{-1,-1}}, [2]={{1,0},{1,-1},{-1,0},{-1,1}}, [3]={{2,0}}, }, [2]={ [0]={{0,1},{0,2}}, [1]={{-1,0},{-1,1},{1,0},{1,-1}}, [3]={{1,0},{1,1},{-1,0},{-1,-1}}, }, [3]={ [0]={{-1,0},{-1,1},{1,0},{1,-1}}, [1]={{-2,0}}, [2]={{-1,0},{-1,-1},{1,0},{1,1}}, }, } function KRS:onPieceCreate(piece) piece.das_kicked = false piece.recovery_frames = self.game:getLockDelay() * 15 end function KRS:onPieceDrop() end function KRS:onPieceMove(piece) while piece.lock_delay > 0 and piece.recovery_frames > 0 do piece.recovery_frames = piece.recovery_frames - 1 piece.lock_delay = piece.lock_delay - 1 end end function KRS:onPieceRotate(piece) while piece.lock_delay > 0 and piece.recovery_frames > 0 do piece.recovery_frames = piece.recovery_frames - 1 piece.lock_delay = piece.lock_delay - 1 end end function KRS:canPieceMove(piece) return not piece.das_kicked end function KRS:canPieceRotate(piece) return true end function KRS:attemptRotate(new_inputs, piece, grid, initial) piece.das_kicked = false local rot_dir = 0 if (new_inputs["rotate_left"] or new_inputs["rotate_left2"]) then rot_dir = 3 elseif (new_inputs["rotate_right"] or new_inputs["rotate_right2"]) then rot_dir = 1 elseif (new_inputs["rotate_180"]) then rot_dir = self:get180RotationValue() end if rot_dir == 0 then return end if config.gamesettings.world_reverse == 3 or (self.world and config.gamesettings.world_reverse == 2) then rot_dir = 4 - rot_dir end local new_piece = piece:withRelativeRotation(rot_dir) if initial then if grid:canPlacePiece(new_piece) then piece:setRelativeRotation(rot_dir) self:onPieceRotate(piece) end else self:attemptWallkicks(piece, new_piece, rot_dir, grid, new_inputs) end end function KRS:attemptWallkicks(piece, new_piece, rot_dir, grid, new_inputs) local kicks = ( piece.shape == "I" and KRS.wallkicks_line[piece.rotation][new_piece.rotation] or KRS.wallkicks_3x3[piece.rotation][new_piece.rotation] ) local priority = 0 if ( (new_inputs["left"]) or ( self.game.das.direction == "left" and ( self.game.das.frames >= self.game:getDasLimit() - self.game:getARR() or piece:isMoveBlocked(grid, {x=-1, y=0}) ) ) ) then priority = -1 elseif ( (new_inputs["right"]) or ( self.game.das.direction == "right" and ( self.game.das.frames >= self.game:getDasLimit() - self.game:getARR() or piece:isMoveBlocked(grid, {x=1, y=0}) ) ) ) then priority = 1 end -- base rotation with offset if grid:canPlacePiece(new_piece:withOffset({x=priority, y=0})) then piece:setRelativeRotation(rot_dir) piece:setOffset({x=priority, y=0}) self:onPieceRotate(piece) piece.das_kicked = true return end -- das kicks for idx, offset in pairs(kicks) do kicked_piece = new_piece:withOffset({x=offset[1]+priority, y=offset[2]}) if grid:canPlacePiece(kicked_piece) then piece:setRelativeRotation(rot_dir) piece:setOffset({x=offset[1]+priority, y=offset[2]}) self:onPieceRotate(piece) piece.das_kicked = true return end end -- base rotation if grid:canPlacePiece(new_piece) then piece:setRelativeRotation(rot_dir) self:onPieceRotate(piece) return end -- regular kicks for idx, offset in pairs(kicks) do kicked_piece = new_piece:withOffset({x=offset[1], y=offset[2]}) if grid:canPlacePiece(kicked_piece) then piece:setRelativeRotation(rot_dir) piece:setOffset({x=offset[1], y=offset[2]}) self:onPieceRotate(piece) return end end end function KRS:get180RotationValue() return 2 end return KRS