local GameMode = require 'tetris.modes.gamemode' local MarathonWLJGame = GameMode:extend() MarathonWLJGame.name = "Marathon WLJ" MarathonWLJGame.hash = "MarathonWLJ" MarathonWLJGame.tagline = "A simple marathon mode, originating from Lockjaw." function MarathonWLJGame:new() GameMode:new() self.lock_drop = true self.lock_hard_drop = true self.instant_hard_drop = true self.instant_soft_drop = false self.enable_hold = true self.next_queue_length = 6 self.pieces = 0 self.b2b = false self.immobile_spin_bonus = true self.message = "" self.message_timer = 0 end function MarathonWLJGame:getARE() return 6 end function MarathonWLJGame:getLineARE() return 6 end function MarathonWLJGame:getLineClearDelay() return 24 end function MarathonWLJGame:getDasLimit() return config.das end function MarathonWLJGame:getARR() return config.arr end function MarathonWLJGame:getDasCutDelay() return config.dcd end function MarathonWLJGame:getGravity() if self.pieces < 609 then return (1/60) * (259/256) ^ self.pieces else return 20 end end function MarathonWLJGame:getLockDelay() if self.pieces >= 609 then return math.ceil(40 / (1 + (3/256) * (self.pieces - 609))) else return 40 end end function MarathonWLJGame:onSoftDrop(dropped_row_count) self.score = self.score + dropped_row_count end function MarathonWLJGame:onHardDrop(dropped_row_count) self.score = self.score + 2 * dropped_row_count end function MarathonWLJGame:onPieceLock(piece, cleared_row_count) playSE("lock") self.pieces = self.pieces + 1 self.lines = self.lines + cleared_row_count if piece.spin then self.score = self.score + ( 500 * cleared_row_count + (self.b2b and cleared_row_count > 0 and 200 or 0) ) self.message = ( ((self.b2b and cleared_row_count > 0) and "B2B " or "") .. (type(piece.shape) == "string" and piece.shape .. "-" or "") .. "SPIN " .. cleared_row_count .. "!" ) if cleared_row_count > 0 then self.b2b = true end elseif cleared_row_count > 0 then local score_table = {100, 400, 700, 1200} self.score = self.score + ( score_table[math.min(cleared_row_count, 4)] + (self.b2b and cleared_row_count >= 4 and 200 or 0) ) self.message = cleared_row_count >= 4 and ( (self.b2b and "B2B " or "") .. string.upper(string.sub( number_names[cleared_row_count * 3 + 3], 1, -7 )) .. "A!" ) or "" self.b2b = cleared_row_count >= 4 else self.message = "" end self.message_timer = 60 end function MarathonWLJGame:advanceOneFrame() if self.ready_frames == 0 then self.frames = self.frames + 1 end return true end function MarathonWLJGame:drawGrid() self.grid:draw() self:drawGhostPiece() end function MarathonWLJGame:getHighscoreData() return { score = self.score, pieces = self.pieces, frames = self.frames, } end function MarathonWLJGame:getSectionEndLevel() return math.floor(self.pieces / 30 + 1) * 30 end function MarathonWLJGame:getBackground() return math.floor(self.pieces / 30) % 20 end function MarathonWLJGame:drawScoringInfo() love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_2) love.graphics.print( self.das.direction .. " " .. self.das.frames .. " " .. strTrueValues(self.prev_inputs) ) love.graphics.printf("NEXT", 64, 40, 40, "left") love.graphics.printf("LINES", 240, 120, 40, "left") love.graphics.printf("SCORE", 240, 200, 40, "left") love.graphics.printf("LEVEL", 240, 320, 40, "left") if self.message_timer > 0 then love.graphics.printf(self.message, 64, 400, 160, "center") self.message_timer = self.message_timer - 1 end love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_3) love.graphics.printf(self.lines, 240, 140, 90, "left") love.graphics.printf(self.score, 240, 220, 90, "left") love.graphics.printf(self.pieces, 240, 340, 50, "right") love.graphics.printf(self:getSectionEndLevel(), 240, 370, 50, "right") love.graphics.setFont(font_8x11) love.graphics.printf(formatTime(self.frames), 64, 420, 160, "center") end return MarathonWLJGame