local GameMode = require 'tetris.modes.gamemode' local Grid = require 'tetris.components.grid' local SegaRandomizer = require 'tetris.randomizers.sega' local PowerOnSequence = require 'tetris.randomizers.poweron' local MarathonC99Game = GameMode:extend() MarathonC99Game.name = "Marathon C99" MarathonC99Game.hash = "MarathonC99" MarathonC99Game.tagline = "A recreation of Sega ***ris Naomi / Dreamcast!" local lines_to_next_level = { [0] = 6, 6, 7, 9, 6, 9, 9, 9, 10, 10, 20, 16, 16, 16, 16, 0, 1, math.huge } local level_names = { [0]="LITTLE ISLE", "GRAND CANYON", "SHIBUYA", "SOUTH POLE", "ATLANTIS", "Is. GALAPAGOS", "EGYPT", "NETHERLANDS", "PARIS", "ASAKUSA", "VENICE", "NIAGARA FALLS", "Mt. RUSHMORE", "BEI-JING", "EASTER ISLAND", "TRIP", "THE MOON", "[time]" } local score_table = { [0] = 0, 50, 200, 450, 1000, 2000, 3000, 4000 } local slots_table = { 50, 10000, 50000, 100000 } local slot_popup = {["text"]="",["time"]=0,["slotnum"]=0} local line_popup = {["y"]=0,["score"]=0,["lines"]=0} function MarathonC99Game:new() self.super:new() self.grid = Grid(10, 22) self.roll_frames = -57 self.lines_to_next_level = lines_to_next_level[self.level] self.slots = {} self.tetris_slots = 0 self.ccw_bonus = 10 ^ 7 slot_popup = {["text"]="",["time"]=0} self.irs = false self.enable_hard_drop = false self.lock_drop = false self.next_queue_length = 1 end function MarathonC99Game:getARE() if self.level == 0 then return 31 elseif self.level == 1 then return 28 elseif self.level <= 3 then return 26 elseif self.level == 4 then return 28 elseif self.level <= 15 then return 26 elseif self.level == 16 then return 31 else return 17 end end function MarathonC99Game:getLineARE() return self:getARE() end function MarathonC99Game:getLineClearDelay() return 57 end function MarathonC99Game:getDasLimit() return 15 end function MarathonC99Game:getGravity() if self.level == 0 then return 1/24 elseif self.level == 1 then return 1/15 elseif self.level == 2 then return 1/10 elseif self.level == 3 then return 1/3 elseif self.level == 4 then return 1/20 elseif self.level == 5 then return 1/3 elseif self.level <= 9 then return 1/2 elseif self.level <= 15 then return 1 elseif self.level == 16 then return 1/24 else return 1 end end function MarathonC99Game:getLockDelay() if self.level == 0 then return 44 elseif self.level == 1 then return 39 elseif self.level == 2 then return 34 elseif self.level == 3 then return 30 elseif self.level == 4 then return 39 elseif self.level <= 7 then return 29 elseif self.level <= 9 then return 28 elseif self.level <= 12 then return 24 elseif self.level <= 14 then return 20 elseif self.level == 15 then return 19 elseif self.level == 16 then return 44 else return 18 end end function MarathonC99Game:getSlotMultiplier() if self.level == 17 then return 10 elseif self.level >= 15 then return 5 else return math.ceil((self.level + 1) / 5) end end function MarathonC99Game:getScoreMultiplier() if self.level == 17 then return 20 else return self.level + 1 end end function MarathonC99Game:startRightDAS() self.move = "right" self.das.direction = "right" if self:getDasLimit() == 0 then self:continueDAS() end end function MarathonC99Game:startLeftDAS() self.move = "left" self.das.direction = "left" if self:getDasLimit() == 0 then self:continueDAS() end end function MarathonC99Game:onSoftDrop(dropped_row_count) self.score = self.score + dropped_row_count end function MarathonC99Game:advanceOneFrame(inputs, ruleset) if self.clear then if self.level == 17 then self.roll_frames = self.roll_frames + 1 if self.roll_frames >= frameTime(3,19) then self.score = self.score + self.ccw_bonus self.completed = true end end if inputs.rotate_right or inputs.rotate_right2 or (inputs.rotate_180 and ruleset:get180RotationValue() ~= 3) and self.piece ~= nil then self.ccw_bonus = 0 end elseif self.ready_frames == 0 then self.frames = self.frames + 1 if inputs.rotate_right or inputs.rotate_right2 or (inputs.rotate_180 and ruleset:get180RotationValue() ~= 3) and self.piece ~= nil then self.ccw_bonus = 0 end end end function MarathonC99Game:onLineClear(cleared_row_count) self.lines = self.lines + cleared_row_count line_popup.lines = cleared_row_count local score_to_add = score_table[cleared_row_count] local highest_row_cleared for i = 1, 22 do if self.grid:isRowFull(i) then highest_row_cleared = i break end end if(cleared_row_count > 0) then line_popup.y = (highest_row_cleared)*16 end if highest_row_cleared + 1 <= 22 and self.grid:isRowFull(highest_row_cleared + 1) and highest_row_cleared + 2 <= 22 and not self.grid:isRowFull(highest_row_cleared + 2) and highest_row_cleared + 3 <= 22 and self.grid:isRowFull(highest_row_cleared + 3) then score_to_add = 1 elseif (cleared_row_count == 2 or cleared_row_count == 3) and highest_row_cleared + 1 <= 22 and not self.grid:isRowFull(highest_row_cleared + 1) then score_to_add = score_to_add + 100 end if (#self.slots == 2) then if (self.slots[1] == self.slots[2] and self.slots[1] == cleared_row_count) then if cleared_row_count == 4 then self.tetris_slots = (self.tetris_slots + 1) % 10 end if cleared_row_count == 4 and self.tetris_slots == 0 then self.score = self.score + 999999 slot_popup.text = "3xTETRIS\n+999999" slot_popup.time = 150 slot_popup.slotnum = 4 else clear_names = {"SINGLE","DOUBLE","TRIPLE","***RIS"} local score_text = tostring(slots_table[cleared_row_count] * self:getSlotMultiplier()) while #score_text < 6 do score_text = "0"..score_text end self.score = self.score + slots_table[cleared_row_count] * self:getSlotMultiplier() slot_popup.text = "3x"..clear_names[cleared_row_count].."\n+"..score_text slot_popup.time = 150 slot_popup.slotnum = cleared_row_count end end self.slots = {} else table.insert(self.slots, cleared_row_count) end if self.grid:checkForBravo(cleared_row_count) then self.score = self.score + 200000 * self:getSlotMultiplier() line_popup.score = 200000 * self:getSlotMultiplier() else self.score = self.score + score_to_add * self:getScoreMultiplier() line_popup.score = score_to_add * self:getScoreMultiplier() end if cleared_row_count >= self.lines_to_next_level then self.level = self.level + 1 if self.level == 15 then self.lines_to_next_level = 300 - self.lines else self.lines_to_next_level = lines_to_next_level[self.level] end if self.level == 16 then self.clear = true self.grid:clear() if self.used_randomizer.possible_pieces == 7 then self.used_randomizer = PowerOnSequence() self.next_queue[1].shape = self.used_randomizer:nextPiece() end end else self.lines_to_next_level = self.lines_to_next_level - cleared_row_count end for i = 1, 4 do self.grid:clearSpecificRow(i) end end function MarathonC99Game:drawGrid() if(self.lcd > 0) then love.graphics.setColor(1,1,1,1) love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_2) --if(line_popup.lines > 1) then love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_3) end love.graphics.printf(line_popup.score,40,line_popup.y-1,200,"center") end self.grid:draw() end function MarathonC99Game:drawScoringInfo() love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_2) love.graphics.print( self.das.direction .. " " .. self.das.frames .. " " .. strTrueValues(self.prev_inputs) .. self.drop_bonus ) love.graphics.printf("NEXT", 64, 40, 40, "left") love.graphics.printf("LEVEL "..self.level, 240, 120, 80, "left") love.graphics.printf("LINES", 240, 190, 200, "left") love.graphics.printf(self.lines.."/300", 240, 210, 200, "left") if(self.level ~= 15 and self.level ~= 17) then xp = -0.5 love.graphics.setColor(0,1,0,1) for i=1,lines_to_next_level[self.level]-self.lines_to_next_level do love.graphics.printf("|", 240+xp*5, 165, 30, "left") xp = xp+1 end love.graphics.setColor(0,0.5,0,1) for i=1,self.lines_to_next_level do love.graphics.printf("|", 240+xp*5, 165, 30, "left") xp = xp+1 end end love.graphics.setColor(1,1,1,1) love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_4) love.graphics.printf(formatBigNum(self.score), 64, 400, 160, "center") if self.ready_frames == 0 then love.graphics.setColor( ((self.frames + self.roll_frames) % 4 < 2) and {0.3, 1, 0.3, 1} or {1, 1, 1, 1} ) if(slot_popup.time > 0) then love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_2) love.graphics.printf(slot_popup.text, 310, 80, 200, "left") slot_popup.time = slot_popup.time - 1 love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_3) love.graphics.printf( slot_popup.slotnum .. " " .. slot_popup.slotnum .. " " .. slot_popup.slotnum, 240, 80, 100, "left") love.graphics.setColor(1,1,1,1) else love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_3) love.graphics.setColor( (self.slots[1] and self.slots[2] and self.slots[1] == self.slots[2] and (self.frames + self.roll_frames) % 4 < 2) and {0.3, 1, 0.3, 1} or {1, 1, 1, 1} ) love.graphics.printf( (self.slots[1] and self.slots[1] or math.random(4)) .. " " .. (self.slots[2] and self.slots[2] or math.random(4)) .. " " .. math.random(4), 240, 80, 100, "left") love.graphics.setColor(1,1,1,1) end end love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_3) love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) level_names[17] = formatTime(frameTime(3,19) - self.roll_frames) love.graphics.printf(level_names[self.level], 240, 137, 200, "left") love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_2) love.graphics.setFont(font_8x11) love.graphics.printf(formatTime(self.frames), 240, 300, 160, "left") end function MarathonC99Game:getBackground() if self.level == 17 then return math.floor(math.min(math.max(0, self.roll_frames * 20 / frameTime(3,19)), 19)) end return self.level end function MarathonC99Game:getHighscoreData() return { score = self.score, lines = self.lines, level = self.level, frames = self.frames, } end return MarathonC99Game