local Ruleset = require "tetris.rulesets.ruleset" local BONKERS = Ruleset:extend() BONKERS.name = "B.O.N.K.E.R.S." BONKERS.hash = "Bonkers" BONKERS.world = true BONKERS.spawn_positions = { I = { x=5, y=4 }, J = { x=4, y=5 }, L = { x=4, y=5 }, O = { x=5, y=5 }, S = { x=4, y=5 }, T = { x=4, y=5 }, Z = { x=4, y=5 }, } BONKERS.colourscheme = { I = "G", J = "G", L = "G", O = "G", S = "G", T = "G", Z = "G", } BONKERS.softdrop_lock = false BONKERS.harddrop_lock = true BONKERS.enable_IRS_wallkicks = true BONKERS.block_offsets = { I={ { {x=0, y=0}, {x=-1, y=0}, {x=-2, y=0}, {x=1, y=0} }, { {x=0, y=0}, {x=0, y=-1}, {x=0, y=1}, {x=0, y=2} }, { {x=0, y=1}, {x=-1, y=1}, {x=-2, y=1}, {x=1, y=1} }, { {x=-1, y=0}, {x=-1, y=-1}, {x=-1, y=1}, {x=-1, y=2} }, }, J={ { {x=0, y=0}, {x=-1, y=0}, {x=1, y=0}, {x=-1, y=-1} }, { {x=0, y=0}, {x=0, y=-1}, {x=0, y=1} , {x=1, y=-1} }, { {x=0, y=0}, {x=1, y=0}, {x=-1, y=0}, {x=1, y=1} }, { {x=0, y=0}, {x=0, y=1}, {x=0, y=-1}, {x=-1, y=1} }, }, L={ { {x=0, y=0}, {x=-1, y=0}, {x=1, y=0}, {x=1, y=-1} }, { {x=0, y=0}, {x=0, y=-1}, {x=0, y=1}, {x=1, y=1} }, { {x=0, y=0}, {x=1, y=0}, {x=-1, y=0}, {x=-1, y=1} }, { {x=0, y=0}, {x=0, y=1}, {x=0, y=-1}, {x=-1, y=-1} }, }, O={ { {x=0, y=0}, {x=-1, y=0}, {x=-1, y=-1}, {x=0, y=-1} }, { {x=0, y=0}, {x=-1, y=0}, {x=-1, y=-1}, {x=0, y=-1} }, { {x=0, y=0}, {x=-1, y=0}, {x=-1, y=-1}, {x=0, y=-1} }, { {x=0, y=0}, {x=-1, y=0}, {x=-1, y=-1}, {x=0, y=-1} }, }, S={ { {x=1, y=-1}, {x=0, y=-1}, {x=0, y=0}, {x=-1, y=0} }, { {x=1, y=1}, {x=1, y=0}, {x=0, y=0}, {x=0, y=-1} }, { {x=-1, y=1}, {x=0, y=1}, {x=0, y=0}, {x=1, y=0} }, { {x=-1, y=-1}, {x=-1, y=0}, {x=0, y=0}, {x=0, y=1} }, }, T={ { {x=0, y=0}, {x=-1, y=0}, {x=1, y=0}, {x=0, y=-1} }, { {x=0, y=0}, {x=0, y=-1}, {x=0, y=1}, {x=1, y=0} }, { {x=0, y=0}, {x=1, y=0}, {x=-1, y=0}, {x=0, y=1} }, { {x=0, y=0}, {x=0, y=1}, {x=0, y=-1}, {x=-1, y=0} }, }, Z={ { {x=-1, y=-1}, {x=0, y=-1}, {x=0, y=0}, {x=1, y=0} }, { {x=1, y=-1}, {x=1, y=0}, {x=0, y=0}, {x=0, y=1} }, { {x=1, y=1}, {x=0, y=1}, {x=0, y=0}, {x=-1, y=0} }, { {x=-1, y=1}, {x=-1, y=0}, {x=0, y=0}, {x=0, y=-1} }, } } -- Component functions. function BONKERS:attemptRotate(new_inputs, piece, grid, initial) local rot_dir = 0 if (new_inputs["rotate_left"] or new_inputs["rotate_left2"]) then rot_dir = 3 elseif (new_inputs["rotate_right"] or new_inputs["rotate_right2"]) then rot_dir = 1 elseif (new_inputs["rotate_180"]) then rot_dir = self:get180RotationValue() end if rot_dir == 0 then return end if config.gamesettings.world_reverse == 3 or (self.world and config.gamesettings.world_reverse == 2) then rot_dir = 4 - rot_dir end local new_piece = piece:withRelativeRotation(rot_dir) if (grid:canPlacePiece(new_piece)) then if piece:isDropBlocked(grid) then self:attemptWallkicks(piece, new_piece, rot_dir, grid) else piece:setRelativeRotation(rot_dir) self:onPieceRotate(piece, grid) end else if not(initial and self.enable_IRS_wallkicks == false) then self:attemptWallkicks(piece, new_piece, rot_dir, grid) end end end function BONKERS:attemptWallkicks(piece, new_piece, rot_dir, grid) if piece.shape == "I" then horizontal_kicks = {0, 1, -1, 2, -2} else horizontal_kicks = {0, 1, -1} end for y_offset = 24, -24, -1 do for idx, x_offset in pairs(horizontal_kicks) do local offset = {x=x_offset, y=y_offset} kicked_piece = new_piece:withOffset(offset) if grid:canPlacePiece(kicked_piece) then piece:setRelativeRotation(rot_dir) piece:setOffset(offset) piece.lock_delay = 0 -- rotate reset return end end end end function BONKERS:onPieceDrop(piece, grid) piece.lock_delay = 0 -- step reset end function BONKERS:onPieceMove(piece, grid) piece.lock_delay = 0 -- move reset end function BONKERS:onPieceRotate(piece, grid) piece.lock_delay = 0 -- rotate reset end return BONKERS