local Ruleset = require 'tetris.rulesets.ruleset' local Piece = require 'tetris.components.piece' local RandomPieces = Ruleset:extend() RandomPieces.name = "Random Pieces" RandomPieces.hash = "RandomPieces" function RandomPieces:generateBlockOffsets() function containsPoint(points, p) for _, point in pairs(points) do if point.x == p.x and point.y == p.y then return true end end return false end local offsets = {} for i = 1, 4 do local generated_offset = {} repeat generated_offset = { x = math.random(-1, 1), y = math.random(-2, 0) } until not containsPoint(offsets, generated_offset) offsets[i] = generated_offset end return offsets end RandomPieces.pieces = 1 RandomPieces.spawn_positions = { { x=4, y=5 } } RandomPieces.big_spawn_positions = { { x=2, y=3 } } RandomPieces.draw_offsets = { { x=0, y=0 } } RandomPieces.next_sounds = { "O" } RandomPieces.colourscheme = { "F" } RandomPieces.block_offsets = { { { {x=0, y=0} }, { {x=0, y=0} }, { {x=0, y=0} }, { {x=0, y=0} }, } } function RandomPieces:initializePiece( inputs, data, grid, gravity, prev_inputs, move, lock_delay, drop_speed, drop_locked, hard_drop_locked, big, irs, buffer_hard_drop, buffer_soft_drop, lock_on_hard_drop, lock_on_soft_drop ) local spawn_positions if big then spawn_positions = self.big_spawn_positions else spawn_positions = self.spawn_positions end local colours = ({self.colourscheme, ColourSchemes.Arika, ColourSchemes.TTC})[config.gamesettings.piece_colour] local spawn_x if (grid.width ~= 10) then local percent = spawn_positions[data.shape].x / 10 for i = 0, grid.width - 1 do if i / grid.width >= percent then spawn_x = i break end end end local spawn_dy if (config.gamesettings.spawn_positions == 1) then spawn_dy = ( self.spawn_above_field and 2 or 0 ) else spawn_dy = ( config.gamesettings.spawn_positions == 3 and 2 or 0 ) end local piece = Piece(data.shape, data.orientation - 1, { x = spawn_x and spawn_x or spawn_positions[data.shape].x, y = spawn_positions[data.shape].y - spawn_dy }, self.block_offsets, 0, 0, data.skin, colours[data.shape], big) local offsets = self:generateBlockOffsets() piece.getBlockOffsets = function() return offsets end piece.withOffset = function(self, offset) local piece = Piece( self.shape, self.rotation, {x = self.position.x + offset.x, y = self.position.y + offset.y}, self.block_offsets, self.gravity, self.lock_delay, self.skin, self.colour, self.big ) local offsets = self:getBlockOffsets() piece.getBlockOffsets = function() return offsets end piece.draw = function(self, opacity, brightness, grid, partial_das) if self.ghost then return false end if opacity == nil then opacity = 1 end if brightness == nil then brightness = 1 end love.graphics.setColor(brightness, brightness, brightness, opacity) local offsets = self:getBlockOffsets() local gravity_offset = 0 if config.gamesettings.smooth_movement == 1 and grid ~= nil and not self:isDropBlocked(grid) then gravity_offset = self.gravity * 16 end if partial_das == nil then partial_das = 0 end for index, offset in pairs(offsets) do local x = self.position.x + offset.x local y = self.position.y + offset.y if self.big then love.graphics.draw( blocks[self.skin][self.colour], 64+x*32+partial_das*2, 16+y*32+gravity_offset*2, 0, 2, 2 ) else love.graphics.draw( blocks[self.skin][self.colour], 64+x*16+partial_das, 16+y*16+gravity_offset ) end end return false end return piece end self:onPieceCreate(piece) if irs then self:rotatePiece(inputs, piece, grid, {}, true) if (data.orientation - 1) ~= piece.rotation then playSE("irs") end end self:dropPiece(inputs, piece, grid, gravity, drop_speed, drop_locked, hard_drop_locked) if (buffer_hard_drop and config.gamesettings.buffer_lock == 1) then piece:dropToBottom(grid) if lock_on_hard_drop then piece.locked = true end end if (buffer_soft_drop and lock_on_soft_drop and piece:isDropBlocked(grid) and config.gamesettings.buffer_lock == 1) then piece.locked = true end return piece end function RandomPieces:attemptRotate(new_inputs, piece, grid, initial) if not ( new_inputs.rotate_left or new_inputs.rotate_left2 or new_inputs.rotate_right or new_inputs.rotate_right2 or new_inputs.rotate_180 ) then return end local new_piece = piece:withOffset({x=0, y=0}) local offsets = self:generateBlockOffsets() new_piece.getBlockOffsets = function() return offsets end if (grid:canPlacePiece(new_piece)) then piece.getBlockOffsets = function() return offsets end self:onPieceRotate(piece, grid) else if not(initial and self.enable_IRS_wallkicks == false) then self:attemptWallkicks(piece, new_piece, offsets, grid) end end end function RandomPieces:onPieceDrop(piece) piece.lock_delay = 0 end function RandomPieces:onPieceMove(piece) piece.lock_delay = 0 end function RandomPieces:onPieceRotate(piece) piece.lock_delay = 0 end return RandomPieces