local SurvivalAXGame = require 'tetris.modes.survival_ax' local SurvivalAXHGame = SurvivalAXGame:extend() SurvivalAXHGame.name = "Survival AXH" SurvivalAXHGame.hash = "SurvivalAXH" SurvivalAXHGame.tagline = "An old Heboris mode! The field slowly hides itself!" function SurvivalAXHGame:new() SurvivalAXGame:new() self.hidden_timer = 0 self.hidden_rows = 0 end function SurvivalAXHGame:getARE() return 3 end function SurvivalAXHGame:getLineARE() return 3 end function SurvivalAXHGame:getLineClearDelay() return 3 end function SurvivalAXHGame:getLockDelay() return 11 end function SurvivalAXHGame:getDasLimit() return 7 end function SurvivalAXHGame:getSkin() return self.lines >= 150 and "bone" or "2tie" end function SurvivalAXHGame:getHiddenDelay() if (self.lines >= 50 and self.lines < 70) then return 30 * self.hidden_rows + 45 elseif (self.lines >= 70 and self.lines < 150) then return 10 * self.hidden_rows + 30 end end function SurvivalAXHGame:getSectionTimeLimit() return ({ [0] = 1800, 1800, 1800, 1800, 1800, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1500, 1200, 1200, 1200, 1020, 900, 1200, 1020, 900, 840, 840, 840 })[math.floor(self.lines / 10)] end function SurvivalAXHGame:advanceOneFrame() if self.ready_frames == 0 then if not self.section_clear then self.frames = self.frames + 1 if self:getHiddenDelay() then self.hidden_timer = self.hidden_timer + 1 if self.hidden_timer >= self:getHiddenDelay() then self.hidden_timer = 0 self.hidden_rows = math.min(self.hidden_rows + 1, 19) end end end if self:getSectionTime() >= self:getSectionTimeLimit() then self.game_over = true end end return true end function SurvivalAXHGame:onLineClear(cleared_row_count) if not self.clear then local new_lines = self.lines + cleared_row_count self:updateSectionTimes(self.lines, new_lines) self.lines = math.min(new_lines, 200) self.hidden_rows = math.max(0, self.hidden_rows - cleared_row_count) if self.lines == 200 then self.grid:clear() self.clear = true self.completed = true end end end function SurvivalAXHGame:drawGrid() self.grid:drawOutline() if self:getHiddenDelay() then for i = 1, self.hidden_rows do for j = 1, 10 do love.graphics.draw(blocks["2tie"]["F"], 48+j*16, (24-i+1)*16) end end end end function SurvivalAXHGame:drawScoringInfo() SurvivalAXGame.super.drawScoringInfo(self) love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_2) love.graphics.print( self.das.direction .. " " .. self.das.frames .. " " .. strTrueValues(self.prev_inputs) ) love.graphics.printf("NEXT", 64, 40, 40, "left") if self.lines < 200 then love.graphics.printf("TIME LEFT", 240, 250, 80, "left") end love.graphics.printf("LINES", 240, 320, 40, "left") local current_section = math.floor(self.lines / 10) + 1 self:drawSectionTimesWithSplits(current_section) love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_3) love.graphics.printf(self.lines, 240, 340, 40, "right") love.graphics.printf(self.clear and self.lines or self:getSectionEndLines(), 240, 370, 40, "right") -- draw time left, flash red if necessary local time_left = self:getSectionTimeLimit() - math.max(self:getSectionTime(), 0) if not self.game_over and not self.clear and time_left < frameTime(0,10) and time_left % 4 < 2 then love.graphics.setColor(1, 0.3, 0.3, 1) end if self.lines < 200 then love.graphics.printf(formatTime(time_left), 240, 270, 160, "left") end love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) end function SurvivalAXHGame:getBackground() return math.min(math.floor(self.lines / 10), 19) end return SurvivalAXHGame