local SurvivalA3Game = require 'tetris.modes.survival_a3' local PhantomManiaN2Game = SurvivalA3Game:extend() PhantomManiaN2Game.name = "Phantom Mania N2" PhantomManiaN2Game.hash = "PhantomManiaN2" PhantomManiaN2Game.tagline = "As PM1 is to Death, PM2 is to Shirase." PhantomManiaN2Game.rollOpacityFunction = function(age) if age > 4 then return 0 else return 1 - age / 4 end end PhantomManiaN2Game.garbageOpacityFunction = function(age) return age > 4 and 0 or 1 end function PhantomManiaN2Game:canDrawLCA() return self.level < 1000 and self.lcd > 0 end function PhantomManiaN2Game:drawGrid() if not (self.game_over or self.completed) then self.grid:drawInvisible( self.rollOpacityFunction, self.garbageOpacityFunction, self.level < 1000 ) elseif self.game_over or self.completed then self.grid:draw() end end return PhantomManiaN2Game