require 'funcs' local GameMode = require 'tetris.modes.gamemode' local Piece = require 'tetris.components.piece' local Randomizer = require 'tetris.randomizers.nes' local MarathonC89Game = GameMode:extend() = "Marathon C89" MarathonC89Game.hash = "MarathonC89" MarathonC89Game.tagline = "Can you play fast enough to reach the killscreen?" function MarathonC89Game:new() MarathonC89Game.super:new() self.randomizer = Randomizer() self.ready_frames = 1 self.waiting_frames = 96 self.in_menu = true self.start_level = 18 self.level = self.start_level self.last_row = 1 self.tetrises = 0 self.line_clears = 0 self.lock_drop = true self.enable_hard_drop = false self.enable_hold = false self.next_queue_length = 1 self.additive_gravity = false self.classic_lock = true self.irs = false end function MarathonC89Game:getDropSpeed() return 1/2 end function MarathonC89Game:getDasLimit() return 16 end function MarathonC89Game:getARR() return 6 end function MarathonC89Game:getARE() if self.last_row > 22 then return 10 elseif self.last_row > 18 then return 12 elseif self.last_row > 14 then return 14 elseif self.last_row > 10 then return 16 else return 18 end end function MarathonC89Game:getLineARE() return self:getARE() end function MarathonC89Game:getLineClearDelay() for i = 17, 20 do if (self.frames + i) % 4 == 0 then return i end end end function MarathonC89Game:getLockDelay() return 0 end function MarathonC89Game:chargeDAS(inputs) if inputs[self.das.direction] == true and self.prev_inputs[self.das.direction] == true and not inputs["down"] and self.piece ~= nil then local das_frames = self.das.frames + 1 if das_frames >= self:getDasLimit() then if self.das.direction == "left" then self.move = (self:getARR() == 0 and "speed" or "") .. "left" self.das.frames = self:getDasLimit() - self:getARR() elseif self.das.direction == "right" then self.move = (self:getARR() == 0 and "speed" or "") .. "right" self.das.frames = self:getDasLimit() - self:getARR() end else self.move = "none" self.das.frames = das_frames end elseif inputs["right"] == true then self.das.direction = "right" if not inputs["down"] and self.piece ~= nil then self.move = "right" self.das.frames = 0 else self.move = "none" end elseif inputs["left"] == true then self.das.direction = "left" if not inputs["down"] and self.piece ~= nil then self.move = "left" self.das.frames = 0 else self.move = "none" end else self.move = "none" end if self.das.direction == "left" and self.piece ~= nil and self.piece:isMoveBlocked(self.grid, {x=-1, y=0}) or self.das.direction == "right" and self.piece ~= nil and self.piece:isMoveBlocked(self.grid, {x=1, y=0}) then self.das.frames = self:getDasLimit() end if inputs["down"] == false and self.prev_inputs["down"] == true then self.drop_bonus = 0 end if inputs["down"] then self.waiting_frames = 0 end end local gravity_table = { [0] = 1366/65536, 1525/65536, 1725/65536, 1986/65536, 2341/65536, 2850/65536, 3641/65536, 5042/65536, 8192/65536, 10923/65536, 13108/65536, 13108/65536, 13108/65536, 16384/65536, 16384/65536, 16384/65536, 21846/65536, 21846/65536, 21846/65536 } function MarathonC89Game:getGravity() if self.waiting_frames > 0 then return 0 end if self.level >= 29 then return 1 elseif self.level >= 19 then return 1/2 else return gravity_table[self.level] end end function MarathonC89Game:advanceOneFrame(inputs, ruleset) if self.in_menu then if not self.prev_inputs["right"] and inputs["right"] then self.start_level = math.min(29, self.start_level + 1) elseif not self.prev_inputs["left"] and inputs["left"] then self.start_level = math.max(0, self.start_level - 1) elseif inputs["hold"] then self.in_menu = false end self.level = self.start_level self.prev_inputs = copy(inputs) return false elseif self.waiting_frames > 0 then self.waiting_frames = self.waiting_frames - 1 else self.frames = self.frames + 1 end return true end function MarathonC89Game:onPieceLock() self.super:onPieceLock() self.score = self.score + self.drop_bonus self.drop_bonus = 0 self.last_row = self.piece.position.y end local cleared_line_scores = { 40, 100, 300, 1200 } function MarathonC89Game:getTransitionLines() return math.min(self.start_level * 10 + 10, math.max(100, self.start_level * 10 - 50)) end function MarathonC89Game:getLevelForLines() return self.start_level + math.max(0, math.floor((self.lines - self:getTransitionLines()) / 10) + 1) end function MarathonC89Game:updateScore(level, drop_bonus, cleared_lines) if cleared_lines > 0 then self.lines = self.lines + cleared_lines self.level = self:getLevelForLines() self.score = self.score + cleared_line_scores[cleared_lines] * (self.level + 1) self.line_clears = self.line_clears + 1 if cleared_lines == 4 then self.tetrises = self.tetrises + 1 end for i = 1, 4 do self.grid:clearSpecificRow(i) end else self.drop_bonus = 0 self.combo = 1 end end function MarathonC89Game:drawGrid() self.grid:draw() end function MarathonC89Game:drawScoringInfo(), 1, 1, 1) self.das.direction .. " " .. self.das.frames .. " " .. (self.line_clears ~= 0 and math.floor(self.tetrises * 100 / self.line_clears) or 0) .. "% " .. strTrueValues(self.prev_inputs) )"NEXT", 64, 40, 40, "left")"LINES", 240, 120, 40, "left")"SCORE", 240, 200, 40, "left")"LEVEL", 240, 280, 40, "left"), 240, 140, 90, "left") if self.score >= 999999 then, 1, 0, 1) end, 240, 220, 90, "left"), 1, 1, 1), 240, 300, 90, "left"), 64, 420, 160, "center") end function MarathonC89Game:drawCustom(), 1, 1, 1) if self.in_menu then"CHOOSE A LEVEL", 64, 120, 160, "center") (self.start_level == 0 and "-- " or "<- ") .. (self.start_level <= 9 and 0 .. self.start_level or self.start_level) .. (self.start_level == 29 and " --" or " ->"), 64, 200, 160, "center" )"Press hold to start", 64, 260, 160, "center") end end function MarathonC89Game:getBackground() return self.level % 20 end function MarathonC89Game:getHighscoreData() return { score = self.score, level = self.level, } end return MarathonC89Game