require 'funcs' local GameMode = require 'tetris.modes.gamemode' local Piece = require 'tetris.components.piece' local History6RollsRandomizer = require 'tetris.randomizers.history_6rolls' local MarathonWCBGame = GameMode:extend() = "Marathon WCB" MarathonWCBGame.hash = "MarathonWCB" MarathonWCBGame.tagline = "When all the pieces slip right to their destinations... can you keep up?" function MarathonWCBGame:new() MarathonWCBGame.super:new() self.pieces = 0 self.randomizer = History6RollsRandomizer() self.lock_drop = true self.lock_hard_drop = true self.instant_hard_drop = true self.instant_soft_drop = true self.enable_hold = false self.next_queue_length = 6 self.piece_is_active = false end function MarathonWCBGame:initialize(ruleset) self.super.initialize(self, ruleset) self.colourscheme = copy(ruleset.colourscheme) ruleset.onPieceDrop = function() end ruleset.onPieceMove = function() end ruleset.onPieceRotate = function() end end function MarathonWCBGame:getDropSpeed() return 20 end function MarathonWCBGame:getARR() return 0 end function MarathonWCBGame:getARE() return 0 end function MarathonWCBGame:getLineARE() return 0 end function MarathonWCBGame:getDasLimit() return 0 end function MarathonWCBGame:getLineClearDelay() return 0 end function MarathonWCBGame:getLockDelay() return math.huge end function MarathonWCBGame:getGravity() return self.piece_is_active and 20 or 0 end function MarathonWCBGame:advanceOneFrame() if self.ready_frames == 0 then self.frames = self.frames + 1 end return true end function MarathonWCBGame:onAttemptPieceMove() if self.piece ~= nil then -- don't let the piece move before it's finished dropping self.piece:dropToBottom(self.grid) end self.piece_is_active = true end function MarathonWCBGame:onAttemptPieceRotate() self.piece_is_active = true end function MarathonWCBGame:shuffleColours() local temp_colours = {} for _, colour in pairs(self.colourscheme) do table.insert(temp_colours, colour) end for piece in pairs(self.ruleset.colourscheme) do self.ruleset.colourscheme[piece] = table.remove(temp_colours, math.random(#temp_colours)) end end function MarathonWCBGame:resetColours() for piece in pairs(self.colourscheme) do self.ruleset.colourscheme[piece] = self.colourscheme[piece] end end function MarathonWCBGame:onPieceLock() self.super:onPieceLock() self.piece_is_active = false self.pieces = self.pieces + 1 if self.pieces % 50 == 0 then self:shuffleColours() end end function MarathonWCBGame:onLineClear(cleared_row_count) self.lines = self.lines + cleared_row_count end function MarathonWCBGame:onExit() self:resetColours() end function MarathonWCBGame:drawGrid(ruleset) self.grid:draw() if self.piece ~= nil then self:drawGhostPiece(ruleset) end end function MarathonWCBGame:getHighscoreData() return { pieces = self.pieces, lines = self.lines, frames = self.frames, } end function MarathonWCBGame:drawScoringInfo() MarathonWCBGame.super.drawScoringInfo(self), 1, 1, 1) local text_x = config["side_next"] and 320 or 240"NEXT", 64, 40, 40, "left")"lines", text_x, 160, 80, "left")"pieces", text_x, 220, 80, "left")"piece/sec", text_x, 280, 80, "left") local sg = self.grid:checkSecretGrade() if sg >= 5 then"SECRET GRADE", 240, 430, 180, "left") end, text_x, 180, 80, "left"), text_x, 240, 80, "left")"%.04f", self.pieces / math.max(1, self.frames) * 60), text_x, 300, 80, "left") if sg >= 5 then[sg], 240, 450, 180, "left") end end function MarathonWCBGame:getBackground() return (math.floor(self.pieces / 50) % 20) end return MarathonWCBGame