local GameMode = require 'tetris.modes.gamemode' local HistoryRandomizer = require 'tetris.randomizers.history_6rolls_35bag' local TheTrueHero = GameMode:extend() bgm.undyne = love.audio.newSource("res/bgm/mus_x_undyne.mp3", "stream") sounds.undyne = { ding = love.audio.newSource("res/se/000029aa.wav", "static"), pike = love.audio.newSource("res/se/0000299c.wav", "static"), damage = love.audio.newSource("res/se/000029c3.wav", "static") } TheTrueHero.name = "The True Hero" TheTrueHero.hash = "TheTrueHero" TheTrueHero.tagline = "A tribute to the Puzzle Maker." function TheTrueHero:new() self.super:new() self.randomizer = HistoryRandomizer() self.attacks = { "PIECE GOAL", "LINE GOAL", "GARBAGE", "HIDDEN PREVIEWS", "TO THE BEAT", "INVISIBLE" } self.attack_number = 0 self.current_attack = 0 self.var = 0 self.section_frames = 0 self.section_times = { 385, 385, 385, 386, 386, 385, 381, 384, 384, 384, 384, 385, 385, 384, 384, 288, 288, 288, 288, 288, 288, 288, 288, 288, 288, 288, 290, } self.queue_age = 0 self.grounded_time = 0 self.lock_drop = true self.lock_hard_drop = true self.enable_hold = true self.next_queue_length = 5 self.irs = false self.ihs = false end function TheTrueHero:getDropSpeed() return 20 end function TheTrueHero:getARR() return config.arr end function TheTrueHero:getARE() return 0 end function TheTrueHero:getLineARE() return 0 end function TheTrueHero:getDasLimit() return config.das end function TheTrueHero:getLineClearDelay() return 0 end function TheTrueHero:getLockDelay() return 30 end function TheTrueHero:getGravity() return self.current_attack == 5 and 20 or 1.1 ^ (self.attack_number - 1) end function TheTrueHero:getDasCutDelay() return config.dcd end function TheTrueHero:advanceOneFrame(inputs, ruleset) if self.ready_frames == 0 then if self.frames == 0 then switchBGMLoop("undyne") end if self.section_frames >= self.section_times[Mod1(self.attack_number, #self.section_times)] or self.frames == 0 then if (self.current_attack == 1 or self.current_attack == 2) and self.var > 0 then playSE("undyne", "damage") self.game_over = true return false end self.section_frames = 0 self.attack_number = self.attack_number + 1 local prev_attack = self.current_attack local attack_rolls = 0 repeat attack_rolls = attack_rolls + 1 if self.attack_number > 20 then self.current_attack = math.random(#self.attacks) else self.current_attack = math.random(4) end until prev_attack ~= self.current_attack and ( self.current_attack ~= 5 or attack_rolls == 2 ) if self.current_attack == 1 then self.var = math.floor(3 + math.random( math.floor(self.attack_number / 4), math.floor(self.attack_number / 3) ) * self.section_times[Mod1(self.attack_number, #self.section_times)] / 342) elseif self.current_attack == 2 then self.var = math.floor(1 + math.random( math.floor(self.attack_number / 6), math.floor(self.attack_number / 4) ) * self.section_times[Mod1(self.attack_number, #self.section_times)] / 342) elseif self.current_attack == 3 then self.var = math.max(10 - math.random( math.floor(self.attack_number / 8), math.floor(self.attack_number / 4) ), 3) end end self.frames = self.frames + 1 self.section_frames = self.section_frames + 1 if self.current_attack == 5 then self.lock_on_soft_drop = false self.lock_on_hard_drop = false if self.section_frames % 24 == 0 and self.section_frames >= 25 then self.piece.locked = true playSE("undyne", "pike") end else self.lock_on_soft_drop = ({ruleset.softdrop_lock, self.instant_soft_drop, false, true })[config.gamesettings.manlock] self.lock_on_hard_drop = ({ruleset.harddrop_lock, self.instant_hard_drop, true, false})[config.gamesettings.manlock] end end return true end function TheTrueHero:onPieceEnter() self.queue_age = 0 self.grounded_time = 0 end function TheTrueHero:onHold() self.grounded_time = 0 end function TheTrueHero:whilePieceActive() if self.piece:isDropBlocked(self.grid) then self.grounded_time = self.grounded_time + 1 if self.grounded_time >= 120 then self.piece.locked = true end end self.queue_age = self.queue_age + 1 end function TheTrueHero:onPieceLock(piece, cleared_row_count) self.super:onPieceLock() if self.current_attack == 1 or self.current_attack == 3 then self.var = math.max(self.var - 1, 0) self:advanceBottomRow(1) playSE("undyne", "ding") elseif self.current_attack == 2 then self.var = math.max(self.var - cleared_row_count, 0) if cleared_row_count ~= 0 then playSE("undyne", "ding") end end end function TheTrueHero:advanceBottomRow(dx) if self.var <= 0 and self.current_attack == 3 then self.grid:copyBottomRow() self.var = math.max(10 - math.random( math.floor(self.attack_number / 8), math.floor(self.attack_number / 4) ), 3) playSE("undyne", "pike") end end function TheTrueHero:setNextOpacity(i) if self.current_attack == 4 then local hidden_next_pieces = math.ceil(self.attack_number / 15) if i < hidden_next_pieces then love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 0) elseif i == hidden_next_pieces then love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1 - math.min(1, self.queue_age / 15)) else love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) end else love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) end end local function invisible(game, block, x, y, age) return 0.5, 0.5, 0.5, 1 - age / (300 - game.attack_number * 5.5), 0 end function TheTrueHero:drawGrid() if self.current_attack == 6 then self.grid:drawCustom(invisible, self) else self.grid:draw() end self:drawGhostPiece() end function TheTrueHero:drawScoringInfo() self.super.drawScoringInfo(self) love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_2) love.graphics.printf("ATTACK NUMBER", 240, 150, 200, "left") love.graphics.printf("ATTACK", 240, 230, 200, "left") love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_3) if self.attack_number > 0 then love.graphics.printf(self.attack_number .. " - " .. ( string.sub(formatTime( self.section_times[Mod1(self.attack_number, #self.section_times)] - self.section_frames ), -4, -1) ), 240, 170, 200, "left") end love.graphics.printf( self.attacks[self.current_attack] or "", 240, 250, 200, "left" ) love.graphics.setFont(font_3x5_4) if self.current_attack >= 1 and self.current_attack <= 3 then love.graphics.setColor( (not self.game_over and self.frames % 4 < 2) and ( self.var == 0 and {0.3, 1, 0.3, 1} or {1, 0.3, 0.3, 1} ) or {1, 1, 1, 1} ) love.graphics.printf(self.var, 240, 280, 200, "left") love.graphics.setColor(1, 1, 1, 1) end end function TheTrueHero:getHighscoreData() return { frames = self.frames, } end function TheTrueHero:getBackground() return math.max(0, self.attack_number - 1) % 20 end return TheTrueHero