var utils = require('./utils.js'); var consts = require('./consts.js'); var shapes = require('./shapes.js'); var views = require('./views.js'); var canvas = require('./canvas.js'); var inputs = require('./input.js'); var openers = require('./openers.js'); // import * as utils from './utils.js'; // import * as consts from './const.js'; // import * as shapes from './shapes.js'; // import * as views from './views.js'; // import * as canvas from './canvas.js'; // import * as inputs from './input.js'; // import * as openers from './openers.js'; //import * as THREE from ''; /** Init game matrix */ var initMatrix = function(rowCount, columnCount) { var result = []; for (var i = 0; i < rowCount; i++) { var row = []; result.push(row); for (var j = 0; j < columnCount; j++) { row.push(0); } } return result; }; /** Clear game matrix */ var clearMatrix = function(matrix) { for (var i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { for (var j = 0; j < matrix[i].length; j++) { matrix[i][j] = 0; } } }; /** Check all full rows in game matrix return rows number array. eg: [18,19]; */ var checkFullRows = function(matrix) { var rowNumbers = []; for (var i = 0; i < matrix.length; i++) { var row = matrix[i]; var full = true; for (var j = 0; j < row.length; j++) { full = full && row[j] !== 0; } if (full) { rowNumbers.push(i); } } return rowNumbers; }; /** Remove one row from game matrix. copy each previous row data to next row which row number less than row; */ var removeOneRow = function(matrix, row) { var colCount = matrix[0].length; for (var i = row; i >= 0; i--) { for (var j = 0; j < colCount; j++) { if (i > 0) { matrix[i][j] = matrix[i - 1][j]; } else { matrix[i][j] = 0; } } } }; /** Remove rows from game matrix by row numbers. */ var removeRows = function(matrix, rows) { for (var i in rows) { removeOneRow(matrix, rows[i]); } }; /** Check game data to determin wether the game is over */ var checkGameOver = function(matrix) { var firstRow = matrix[0]; for (var i = 0; i < firstRow.length; i++) { if (firstRow[i] !== 0) { return true; }; } return false; }; /** Calculate the extra rewards add to the score */ var calcRewards = function(rows, tspinType) { if(tspinType == 2) rows*=2+1; if (rows && rows.length > 1) { return Math.pow(2, rows.length - 1) * 100; } return 0; }; /** Calculate game score */ var calcScore = function(rows) { if (rows && rows.length) { return rows.length * 100; } return 0; }; /** Calculate time interval by level, the higher the level,the faster shape moves */ var calcIntervalByLevel = function(level) { return consts.DEFAULT_INTERVAL - (level - 1) * 60; }; // Default max scene size var defaults = { maxHeight: 700, maxWidth: 560 }; /** Tetris main object definition */ function Tetris(id) { = id; this.init(); } Tetris.prototype = { init: function(options) { var cfg = this.config = utils.extend(options, defaults); this.interval = consts.DEFAULT_INTERVAL; views.init(, cfg.maxWidth, cfg.maxHeight); canvas.init(views.scene, views.preview, views.hold); inputs.init(); this.createSettings(); // if true no openers. just random tetrinos this.gameState = consts.DEFAULT_GAMESTATE; this.isTimerOn = false; this.currentOpener = 0; this.matrix = initMatrix(consts.ROW_COUNT, consts.COLUMN_COUNT); this.eventTimer = new Date(); this.debugTimer = new Date(); this.gamepadEnabled = false; this.reset(); this._initEvents(); //this._fireShape(); // ewww this._recurseGameState(); }, toggleTimer: function() { document.getElementById("Timer").value = (this.isTimerOn = !this.isTimerOn) ? "Seconds:" : "Timer Off"; }, toggleGamepad: function(){ document.getElementById("enablegamepad").value = ((this.gamepadEnabled = !this.gamepadEnabled) ? "Disable Gamepad" : "Enable Gamepad"); }, // Gamestate 1 setFreePlay: function() { this.gameState = consts.GAMESTATES[0]; document.getElementById("Timer").value = "Timer Off"; document.getElementById("Time").value = ""; document.getElementById("besttime").value = ""; this.isTimerOn = false; this.hintQueue = []; this.shapeQueue = []; this.hintMino = 0; this._restartHandler(); this.currentOpener = 0; }, // Gamestate 2 setCurrentOpener(opener) { document.getElementById("besttime").value = ""; this.gameState = consts.GAMESTATES[1]; this.currentOpener = opener; this._restartHandler(); }, // Gamestate 3 setDoTest: function() { if(this.gameState != consts.GAMESTATES[1]) return; // set game state to do test this.gameState = consts.GAMESTATES[2]; this._restartHandler(); }, // Gamestate 4 setGameStateSequenceEditor: function() { document.getElementById("side").display = "none"; // change to editor gamestate this.gameState = consts.GAMESTATES[3]; this.hintQueue = []; this.shapeQueue = []; this.hintMino = 0; this._restartHandler(); this.currentOpener = 0; this.pushHoldStack(); }, createSettings: function () { var list = document.getElementById("settings"); var settings = inputs.settingsList; settings.forEach(function(item) { var option = document.createElement('option'); option.text = item; = item; list.add(option); }); }, updateSettingTextBox: function() { // var setting = inputs.settingsList[document.getElementById("settings").selectedIndex-1]; // var doKeyToAlpha = inputs.keyboardShiftEvents.included(setting) || inputs.keyboardKeyEvents.included(setting); // if(doKeyToAlpha) // document.getElementById("setting_value").value = inputs.settingsMap.get(setting).fromCharCode(); // else // document.getElementById("setting_value").value = inputs.settingsMap.get(setting); document.getElementById("setting_value").value = inputs.settingsMap.get(inputs.settingsList[document.getElementById("settings").selectedIndex-1]); }, addOpener: function() { var newOpener = document.createElement('li'); //
  • Mr. T-Spin's STD (reversed)
  • //newOpener.text = "New Sequence"; // = this.currentMinoInx;"color:powderblue;text-decoration:underline;font-size:12px;padding-left:1em"; newOpener.appendChild(document.createTextNode("New Sequence: " + this.currentMinoInx)); document.getElementById("Openers").appendChild(newOpener); openers.addSequence(this.shapeQueue); //this.setFreePlay(); this.gameState = consts.GAMESTATES[1]; this.currentMinoInx = 0; //this.setCurrentOpener(99999);//this.currentMinoInx); clearMatrix(this.matrix); this.currentOpener = 9999; this.shapeQueue = []; this.hintQueue = []; this._recurseGameState(); }, setSettings: function() { var newVal = document.getElementById("setting_value").value; var key = inputs.settingsList[document.getElementById("settings").selectedIndex-1]; utils.setCookie(key, newVal, 30); inputs.settingsMap.set(key, newVal); }, //Reset game reset: function() { this.numlefts = 0; this.running = false; this.isGameOver = false; this.level = 1; this.score = 0; this.lines = 0; // beginning of frame this.startTime = new Date().getTime(); this.currentTime = this.startTime; this.prevTime = this.startTime; this.sequencePrevTime = this.startTime; //todo:get rid of extra this.levelTime = this.startTime; this.prevInputTime = this.startTime; // current tetrino index gets set to 0 at the end of opener sequence //if(this.currentMinoInx == undefined || this.currentMinoInx < 1000) // todo: refactor -- seppuku worthy this.currentMinoInx = 0; this.shapeQueue = []; this.hintQueue = []; this.holdStack = []; this.shape = shapes.getShape(0); // gets set to false after mino has been popped from hold stack; set back to true on mino dropped this.canPopFromHoldStack = false; // manipulation counter for srs extended piece lockdown this.manipulationCounter = 0; // timer for srs extened piece lockdown this.lockdownTimer = 0; this.landed = false; this.isSequenceCompleted = false; clearMatrix(this.matrix); views.setLevel(this.level); views.setScore(this.score); views.setGameOver(this.gameState == consts.GAMESTATES[0] && this.isGameOver); openers.reset(); shapes.resetMinoRNG(); this._draw(); }, //Start game start: function() { this.running = true; window.requestAnimationFrame(utils.proxy(this._refresh, this)); }, //Pause game pause: function() { this.running = false; this.currentTime = new Date().getTime(); this.prevTime = this.currentTime; }, pushHoldStack: function() { if(this.gameState == consts.GAMESTATES[3]) { while(this.holdStack.length < 7) this.holdStack.unshift(utils.deepClone(shapes.getShape(this.currentMinoInx++%7))); this.shape = this.holdStack.pop(); this._draw(); return; } // 1 shape hold queue if(this.holdStack.length > 0) { this.canPopFromHoldStack = false; this.shapeQueue.unshift(utils.deepClone(this.shape)); this.shape = utils.deepClone(this.holdStack.pop()); this.shape.resetOrigin(); this._draw(); }else if(this.holdStack.length < 4) { this.holdStack.push(utils.deepClone(this.shape)); this.shape = this.shapeQueue.shift(); this.canPopFromHoldStack = false; this.shape.resetOrigin(); this._draw(); } /* 4 shape hold queue if(this.holdStack.length < 4) { this.holdStack.push(utils.deepClone(this.shape)); this.shape = this.shapeQueue.shift(); this.canPopFromHoldStack = false; this.shape.resetOrigin(); this._draw(); }*/ }, popHoldStack: function() { if(this.gameState == consts.GAMESTATES[3]) { if(this.holdStack.length < 7) while(this.holdStack.length < 7) this.holdStack.unshift(utils.deepClone(shapes.getShape(this.currentMinoInx++%7))); // piece needs to be able to be placed if(this.shape.canDown(this.matrix)) return; this.shape.copyTo(this.matrix); this.shapeQueue.unshift(utils.deepClone(this.shape)); this.shape = utils.deepClone(this.holdStack.pop()); this._check(); this._draw(); return; } // todo: disable if 1 shape hold queue if(this.holdStack.length >= 1 && this.canPopFromHoldStack) { this.canPopFromHoldStack = false; this.shapeQueue.unshift(utils.deepClone(this.shape)); this.shape = this.holdStack.pop(); this.shape.resetOrigin(); this._draw(); } }, // Restart game _restartHandler: function() { this.reset(); this.start(); //this._fireShape(); this._recurseGameState(); }, // Bind game events _initEvents: function() { setInterval(() => {this._processTick();}, 1); setInterval(() => {this.lockDownTimer++;}, 100 ); views.btnRestart.addEventListener('click', utils.proxy(this._restartHandler, this), false); }, // Process freeplay queue _processFreeplayQueue: function() { while(this.shapeQueue.length <= 4) { this.preparedShape = shapes.randomShape(); this.shapeQueue.push(this.preparedShape); } this.shape = this.shapeQueue.shift();// || shapes.randomShape(); this.currentMinoInx++; }, // Process opener trainer queue _processOpenerTrainerQueue: function() { while(this.shapeQueue.length <= 4) { this.preparedShape = utils.deepClone(openers.getNextMino(this.currentOpener)); this.shapeQueue.push(this.preparedShape); } while(this.hintQueue.length <= 4) { this.preparedShape = utils.deepClone(openers.getNextHint(this.currentOpener)); this.hintQueue.push(this.preparedShape); } this.hintMino = this.hintQueue.shift(); this.shape = this.shapeQueue.shift(); this.currentMinoInx++; // Opener sequence completed if(this.currentMinoInx > openers.getLength()) { //new Audio("./dist/sound/Affirm2.ogg").play(); if(this.isTimerOn) { var besttime = document.getElementById("besttime").value; var deltaTime = new Date().getTime() - this.sequencePrevTime; if(besttime == "" || deltaTime/1000.0 < parseFloat(besttime)) { document.getElementById("besttime").value = (deltaTime/1000.0).toString(); } } this.hintQueue = []; this.shapeQueue = []; this.isSequenceCompleted = true; // Recursion warning if(this.currentOpener < 1000) // getting real hacky this._restartHandler(); else clearMatrix(this.matrix); // this.reset(); // this.start(); return; } }, // Process sequence editor _processSequenceEditor: function () { return; }, // Fill next queue and set next shape _fireShape: function() { //todo:should be in shapes.js this.landed = false; this.manipulationCounter = 0; this._draw(); }, _recurseGameState: function (){ switch(this.gameState) { case consts.GAMESTATES[0]: this._processFreeplayQueue(); this._fireShape(); break; case consts.GAMESTATES[1]: this._processOpenerTrainerQueue(); this._fireShape(); break; case consts.GAMESTATES[2]: this._processOpenerTrainerQueue(); this._fireShape(); case consts.GAMESTATES[3]: this._processSequenceEditor(); break; default: break; } }, // lockdown timer with centisecond resolution resetLockdown: function() { if(this.shape.canDown(this.matrix) == false) this.landed = true; this.lockDownTimer = 0; if(this.landed) this.manipulationCounter++; }, // Return if the piece can be shifted or rotated isPieceLocked: function() { if(this.manipulationCounter > 15) return true; if(this.lockDownTimer >= 5) return true; return false; }, // Draw game data _draw: function() { canvas.drawScene(); canvas.drawShape(this.shape); canvas.drawHoldShape(this.holdStack); canvas.drawPreviewShape(this.shapeQueue); if(this.gameState != consts.GAMESTATES[2]) canvas.drawHintShape(this.hintMino); if(this.shape != undefined) { let clone = Object.assign(Object.create(Object.getPrototypeOf(this.shape)), this.shape); var bottomY = clone.bottomAt(this.matrix); canvas.drawGhostShape(clone, bottomY); } canvas.drawMatrix(this.matrix); }, // tick input data -- wont have better than 4-15ms resolution since javascript is single theaded and any ARR or DAS below 15ms will likely be broken _processTick: async function() { if(this.isTimerOn) { var deltaPlayTime = new Date().getTime() - this.sequencePrevTime; document.getElementById("Time").value = (deltaPlayTime/1000).toString(); } // Don't process game related events if game over if(this.isGameOver) return; if(this.gamepadEnabled && inputs.gamepadEnabled()) { inputs.updateGamepad(); inputs.processGamepadDPad(); inputs.processGamepadInput(); while((inputs.gamepadQueue != undefined && inputs.gamepadQueue.length >= 1)){ var curkey = inputs.gamepadQueue.shift(); if(inputs.settingsMap.get("Gamepad Left").includes(curkey)) { this.shape.goLeft(this.matrix); this.resetLockdown(); this._draw(); } else if(inputs.settingsMap.get("Gamepad Right").includes(curkey)) { this.shape.goRight(this.matrix); this.resetLockdown(); this._draw(); } else if(inputs.settingsMap.get("Gamepad Rotateccw").includes(curkey)) { this.shape.rotate(this.matrix); this.resetLockdown(); this._draw(); } else if(inputs.settingsMap.get("Gamepad Rotate").includes(curkey)) { this.shape.rotateClockwise(this.matrix); this.resetLockdown(); this._draw(); } else if(inputs.settingsMap.get("Gamepad Down").includes(curkey)) { this.shape.goDown(this.matrix); this._draw(); } else if(inputs.settingsMap.get("Gamepad Harddrop").includes(curkey)) { // if editor if(this.gameState == consts.GAMESTATES[3]) { this.popHoldStack(); this._draw(); }else { this.shape.goBottom(this.matrix); this.lockDownTimer = 5000; this._update(); } } else if(inputs.settingsMap.get("Gamepad Hold").includes(curkey)) { this.pushHoldStack(); this._draw(); } else if(inputs.settingsMap.get("Gamepad Pophold").includes(curkey)) { this.popHoldStack(); this._draw(); } else if(inputs.settingsMap.get("Gamepad Reset").includes(curkey)) { this._restartHandler(); return; } } inputs.saveButtons(); inputs.gamepadClear(); } // Do keyboard inputs.processKeys(); inputs.processKeyShift(); // Keyboard inputs while((inputs.inputQueue != undefined && inputs.inputQueue.length >= 1)){ var curkey = inputs.inputQueue.shift(); if(inputs.settingsMap.get("Keyboard Left").includes(curkey)) { this.shape.goLeft(this.matrix); this.resetLockdown(); this._draw(); } else if(inputs.settingsMap.get("Keyboard Right").includes(curkey)) { this.shape.goRight(this.matrix); this.resetLockdown(); this._draw(); } else if(inputs.settingsMap.get("Keyboard Down").includes(curkey)) { this.shape.goDown(this.matrix); this._draw(); } else if(this.gameState == consts.GAMESTATES[3] && inputs.settingsMap.get("Keyboard Up").includes(curkey)) { this.shape.goUp(this.matrix); this._draw(); } else if(inputs.settingsMap.get("Keyboard Rotateccw").includes(curkey)) { this.shape.rotate(this.matrix); this.resetLockdown(); this._draw(); } else if(inputs.settingsMap.get("Keyboard Rotate").includes(curkey)) { this.shape.rotateClockwise(this.matrix); this.resetLockdown(); this._draw(); } else if(inputs.settingsMap.get("Keyboard Harddrop").includes(curkey)) { // if editor if(this.gameState == consts.GAMESTATES[3]) { this.popHoldStack(); this._draw(); }else { this.shape.goBottom(this.matrix); this.lockDownTimer = 5000; this._update(); } } else if(inputs.settingsMap.get("Keyboard Hold").includes(curkey)) { this.pushHoldStack(); this._draw(); } else if(inputs.settingsMap.get("Keyboard Pophold").includes(curkey)) { this.popHoldStack(); this._draw(); } else if(inputs.settingsMap.get("Keyboard Hold").includes(curkey)) { if(document.getElementById("divbg").style.display == "none") document.getElementById("divbg").style.display = "initial"; else document.getElementById("divbg").style.display="none"; } if(inputs.settingsMap.get("Keyboard Reset").includes(curkey)) { this._restartHandler(); return; } } inputs.inputQueue = []; inputs.saveKeyboardKeys(); inputs.saveButtons(); }, // Refresh game canvas _refresh: function() { if (!this.running) return; this.currentTime = new Date().getTime(); var deltaLevelTime = this.currentTime - this.prevTime; if (deltaLevelTime > this.interval) { // every .6 seconds? this._update(); this._checkLevel(this.prevTime = this.currentTime); } // Draw Frame if (!this.isGameOver) { window.requestAnimationFrame(utils.proxy(this._refresh, this)); } }, // check if the current piece is in the same location as the hint piece _checkHint: function() { if(this.gameState == consts.GAMESTATES[0]) return; if(!this.shape.isSameSRS(this.hintMino)) { //new Audio('./dist/Failed.ogg').play(); this._restartHandler(); // Restart return 1; } }, // Update game data _update: function() { switch(this.gameState) { case consts.GAMESTATES[0]: case consts.GAMESTATES[1]: case consts.GAMESTATES[2]: if(this.shape == undefined) break; if (this.shape.canDown(this.matrix)) { this.shape.goDown(this.matrix); } else if(this.isPieceLocked()){ this.canPopFromHoldStack = true; this.shape.copyTo(this.matrix); this._check(); if(this._checkHint()) return; //this._fireShape(); this._recurseGameState(); new Audio('./dist/sound/Blop2.ogg').play(); } this._draw(); this.isGameOver = checkGameOver(this.matrix); // if game over and gamestate is free play views.setGameOver(this.gameState == consts.GAMESTATES[0] && this.isGameOver); if (this.isGameOver) views.setFinalScore(this.score); break; case consts.GAMESTATES[3]: break; default: break; } }, // 0 - none, 1 - mini, 2 - tspin _tSpinType: function(tPiece, matrix) { var side1 = 0; var side2 = 0; var side3 = 0; var side4 = 0; side1X = tPiece.x; side1Y = tPiece.y; side2X = tPiece.x + 2; side2Y = tPiece.y; side3X = tPiece.x; side3Y = tPiece.y + 2; side4X = tPiece.x + 2; side4Y = tPiece.y + 2; if(matrix[side4Y] != undefined && matrix[side3Y] != undefined) { if(matrix[side1Y][side1X] != 0) side1 = 1; if(matrix[side2Y][side2X] != 0) side2 = 1; // TODO: figure out why this occasionally is undefined if(matrix[side3Y][side3X] != 0) side3 = 1; if(matrix[side4Y][side4X] != 0) side4 = 1; } console.log("sides: " + side1+side2+side3+side4); // if Sides A and B + (C or D) are touching a Surface //considered a T-Spin if((side1+side2+side3+side4) >= 3) return 2; //if Sides C and D + (A or B) are touching a Surface //considered a Mini T-Spin if((side1 || side2) && (side3 && side4)) return 1; return 0; }, // Check and update game data _check: function() { var rows = checkFullRows(this.matrix); if (rows.length) { var tspinType; if(this.shape.flag === 'T') tspinType = this._tSpinType(this.shape, this.matrix); removeRows(this.matrix, rows); console.log("type: " + tspinType); var score = calcScore(rows); var reward = calcRewards(rows, tspinType); this.score += score + reward; this.lines += rows.length; views.setScore(this.score); views.setReward(reward); views.setLines(this.lines); } }, // Check and update game level _checkLevel: function() { var currentTime = new Date().getTime(); if (currentTime - this.levelTime > consts.LEVEL_INTERVAL) { this.level += 1; this.interval = calcIntervalByLevel(this.level); views.setLevel(this.level); this.levelTime = currentTime; } }, } window.Tetris = Tetris; // export {Tetris};